Chapter 15

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Sadness fly away on the wings of time
                                    Jean De La Fotaine

I am deeply shocked to the core, I have never been this shocked. Like seriously? Is this really happening? Am I having another nightmare? Or better... Daydreaming or what? I'm so confused.

I was on air, resting on a hard body with my palms clutching the person's shirt as I cried hard.

"She's bleeding!" I heard papa yell and I felt that I was rushed down the stairs. My eyes couldn't see clearly anymore, what is happening to me? Why can't I see visibly anymore? The muscles in my eyes are weak and I can't even control them anymore. Before I knew it, darkness consumed me.

*.       *.       *.         *.        *
"She still isn't awake." Dr Niall addresses Brian and Ana. I couldn't hear the rest, my mind was blank. Completely that I can't even think properly, all of this are happening in a daze.

I stared into air, wondering the hell of a life I'm living. I don't like what Royalty is doing to me right now, she's keeping me in suspense.

I felt warm hands on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze. I almost yelled at the person but thought of Royalty's condition first.

"Heck, I feel like a mad woman right now, I've been talking to myself."

I didn't even spare Ana a look though she kept on ranting but when I heard Royalty's name being called. I came back to my senses.

"So you can look at me now?" She mutters.

"Afterall it was your daughter that caused this." I snap, getting irritated with each word. I know Grace and Royalty never got along but it's hard to believe Grace would go to this term to harm my daughter. My Roya-

Wait, what?

I meant Royalty. Yeah, Royalty is just fine.


I glared at her "and if you dare mention 'sorry' just know you won't be able to speak for the rest of your damn life." I threatened. I'm mad at everyone, heck I'm more mad at myself, at Royalty leaving me in a complete mess. She was making me feel drawn to her meanwhile I want the opposite. I don't want to stand any second with her because she isn't the source of my happiness.

For the 24 years of my life, I never thought I'll  be this worried about  someone, like how can Roman Asher Black be sick worried over someone? Am I whipped or what?

"Eh-em, you have no right to speak to my wife that way." My head snapped sideways, ready to murder someone.

"Chill Rome. She's going to be fine."
He assured while patting my back.

"Doctor thought you were dumb when you were quiet the whole while." Laughter echoes in my ear making my blood even boil more.

Is he serious? I'm here thinking of how my life turned sideways and he's here laughing his heart out with no care in the world.

"God, dammit when are you two going to stop displaying your madness! Can't you just think straight for once in your damn life. My daughter is unconscious and you're here laughing like idiots who have completely lost their brain..." I paused, my chest not taking a break and heaving heavily, with a whisper of "Not like you have one before."

I felt his hand leave my shoulder," I will not want to argue with you in a hospital I thought you've changed bro."

I clenched and unclenched my shaking fist. Did I hear right?

"Roman, calm down please." I hear Ana whisper beside me, but me being done with their shits, rose to my feet, dusting my shoulder, the same spot Brian had put his hand.

"Where are you going?" He asks even knowing too well he won't get a reply from a stupid question.

I can't bear to stay here any longer so I did the first thing that came to my mind. I advanced towards the ending of the hallway, I don't know where I was walking to but I just want to get out of their sights. I've had enough, what am I saying, I've had more than enough.

       My mind keeps playing me false, drifting to Royalty, how she would be, the feelings and pain she's going through. I'm even having a hard time convincing myself that I'm not at fault that I should've gotten to Grace's room on time.

I'm unaware of what had gotten into me, my daughter is stucked in an hospital, not knowing what is happening around her, unaware of what the ingrate of a father she has is thinking of her. I stop myself from imagining her lying on hospital bed.

Heck what am I thinking? isn't she the one that changed your life from grace to grass. Isn't she the one you wanted to kill in her mother's womb?

Moments later, I found myself sitting on a barstool with deafening music that I was hardly tolerating.

"I want more." I slurred, placing the tumbler on the counter. The barman gawked at me, fear currently in his forest green eyes.

"Uh... I'm- I'm scared you won't have more sir-"

"I said I want more!" I belted not caring if he shivers or not, all I want is my cup being filled.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
I rose an eyebrow at him while he quickly came back to his senses, I thought he was going to reject my order again.

"What's your name? I'll like to discuss few things with your manager."

His eyes triple in size as he gulps hard.

I gritted my teeth and slammed my fist in the counter.

That shit hurts like...

"Um... Sir, sorry sir. I should have just kept my mouth shut, my apologies." He rambled, holding his hands up in the air.
I looked away from him and focus on my liquid.

Why am I just mad at everyone? Why is Royalty affecting me to this extent? Because she lost consciousness? I never cared about her and so why now? I want to stop thinking of her but it's easier said than done. She's glued to my brain.


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