Chapter 23

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Dedicated to AdrijaDas306, thanks for making me happy.

Anger resolves nothing it only puts up your blood pressure.
Catherine Pulsifer

"Daddy, can I open it?" I point at the locked door before me. Dad never has the time for me to do this kind of thing but I can see he's changing because he has been a good boy to me since. And I love it and can't ask for anything else. I always want to be loved and be loved for and now, I think my dream is coming to reality.

I heard him let out a sigh but anyways, he handed me the bunch of keys. My eyes widen when I came in contact with it then chucked it into its hole, wasting no time.

There came struggling, I never thought it was this hard to open, I mean it's already getting frustrating and I sense dad becoming restless behind me.

"Can you do the magic?" I asked him.

"Sure." He extended his hand to me aiming at the key but I immediately shoved it away and added,

"With my hand."
He held my hand firmly and turned the key in one go and you won't believe what actually happened.

Was it that easy that I didn't even open it?

"Yep." He replied his voice laced with boredom. "I'm in my room." He points upstairs where his room is but before he could move any further, I held his legs with pleading eyes.

"Daddy, can we play... Just for like 10 minutes?" Silence, I frowned."Okay, I'll go upstairs then."

With my lips turned downwards, I walked past him but he didn't even move a muscle so I halted my tracks and turned to him, he was watching me, bored. Without a second thought, I ran back to him, hugged him while silently praying he doesn't push me.

Gosh, why am I thinking like that?

He's changed for God's sake!

I placed my head between his thighs, weeping."I want to play with you daddy, spare your time with me pweeaase... We- we can even go out for lunch or dinner"

My grip tightens on his thighs as I sob harder.

"Eh-em I still don't get why you cry over little things. You just asked me something and you didn't even let me breathe and broke down." I can see he was trying to stay calm but he was just increasing the water in my eyes.


"Oh no don't, don't say sorry. I see no use of it."

I wiped my face again, moving few strides away from him to get a better view of his face."So you're going to play with me?" This needs to work. It has to!

He sighed, tucking his palms into his suit pant pocket, "Busy."

Many thoughts ran through my head, "I can help you."

"It isn't kids thing Royalty, you know if I ain't busy I'll spend my time with you."

"You never did." I covered my mouth after digesting what came out of it.

Did I just-

"Royalty what else do you want me to do? For God's sake, I'm trying my best, damn!" He went away not wanting to look at me. I went to my room, he was right though, I was disturbing him. He's trying his best but I'm not contented. But I wanted him to be like Megan and Grace because they have what I don't, they have a happy family, they have their mothers who love them but I'm the complete opposite.

I'm not contented and I hate it, it isn't a good thing not appreciating what you have in life. I jumped on my bed feeling completely down, all my afternoon plans and hopes are gone. I thought daddy was going to spend time with me but I was wrong, 100% wrong.

*. *. *. *. *. *.
"Dad, are you done?" I asked, poking my face through his bedroom door.

He lifted his eyes from his laptop, sending me an annoyed look, "Girl what do you want? I'm busy how many times do I have to tell you that?!"

I nodded my head, regretting coming here but minutes ago he was showing his charming side but now he's showing his scary side.

"I'm hungry." His eyes were still glued to the screen and I wonder what he was typing because his fingers were moving too fast and his eyes weren't leaving the laptop. So I continue,"Daddy?... The doctor said I sho-"

"For God's sake Royalty, let me be! You're letting me regret doing this!" He ran his hand through his hair while I just bowed my head in sadness and turned to leave, I was about to close the door but then...

I heard- what he said completely caught me off guard. Did I hear well?

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