Old photos

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You were looking at old photos of yourselves. It was your turn to show yours. They were decent, but there weren't many. You found one from the time you weren't doing too well.

"You look so pale in this one." Noodle takes it in her hand.

"Yeah... I wasn't well back then."


"I didn't eat enough."

"You still don't." Murdoc commented. It was a little upsetting to hear.

"I try to... It's not my fault.."

"Don" mind 'im. I fink you're doin' good." 2D patted your head.

In the picture you were almost a ghost, dark circles under eyes, skeletal face, hair thinning and vacant eyes. You could remember how each shower you'd panic seeing the clumps of hair falling out, feeling tired all the time, unable to do physical work for long periods of time and how you could almost wrap your fingers around your bicep. It didn't feel too good to see yourself like that, but it was a reminder how far you've come.

"That's enough of my pictures. Russ your turn."

Everything feels terrible (Gorillaz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now