someone to talk to

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Everything felt like shit and like I was about to cry. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to say. I'd gone through so many different scenarios in my head with different out comes. Finally he arrives.

"Hey." Ace greets and I greet him back. We sit down on a bench.   "What did you need to tell me?"

"A short story. Personal one."


I stare at the sky trying to remain calm.

"I got assaulted by a guy few years back. I didn't realize it at the time so life was normal for almost 2 years. When I did realize what happened, I asked for help and got some. Went to psychologist and then a sexual health therapist, who then sent me to a trauma therapist."I take deep breaths before I continue.   "The first therapist told me that I'd be in the trauma therapy at least a year. I'm applying next month."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I don't know... I have no where else to go and I can't talk to anyone. I just needed someone to talk to." My eyes well up.  "Been feeling really shit and I don't think I'm stable enough to do anything."

I finally break down.

"I'm just so exhausted of everything. I really thought I'd get through my teen years safe, but I was wrong. Every year -- every single day -- I have to live with the fact that I'm broken and will never be the same. I can't even undress in front of my partner without getting anxiety."

"I'm sorry you went through that.." he put his hand on my shoulder.

"It's not fair! No one should go through that. No one." I blow my nose on a tissue. "Only thing I wish is that he gets what he desreves and for me to be normal."

"Why didn't you tell the cops?"

I shake my head and calm down, swallowing hard.

"No point. I washed all evidence away and deleted our chats. I'm sorry for dropping such information on your shoulders. I really didn't know who else I could talk to."

"Don't worry about."

Everything feels terrible (Gorillaz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now