Pie time

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Trigger warning: Sexual assault


You'd been seeing 2D for few months now. He was wonderful in every single way. There was only one thing making you doubt everything. You knew if he did really care he'd try to understand. If he didn't... it wasn't your fault and he wasn't the right one for you.

You called 2D nervously and asked if he could hang out for a bit. He agreed and was at your apartment in 35 minutes.

" 'ello, luv" he kissed your forehead and hugged you tight. His warmth made you melt and everything felt ok. " What did you wan' to do?"

"I was thinking if you'd like to make a pie or something."

"Sounds lovely."

You went to the kitchen and started baking. Well, it was more of you baking and 2D just giving you the stuff you asked for. He sat there admiring you and followed your every move closely.

"Then pop it in the oven and the best part comes."

"Eatin' i'?"

"Waiting for it to bake."

2D put it in the oven and sat on the floor watching it. You joined him, sitting between his legs and leaned against him.



"Does it bother you that we don't things in the bedroom?"

"No' much."

"But it bothers you."

" I' don' mind much, 'cause yew don' wanna an' I won' force yew." He wraps his arms around you.

"Ok. Can I tell you something?"

"Of course."

You glench your teeth and rethinking your decision.

"Well.. I hope this doesn't change anything and I understand if it does."

"Yew're makin' me nervous, luv."

Your heart started to pund, hands became clammy and mouth became dry. Anxiety.

"When I was 15 I talked with this guy in my class and hung out with him. He was bit of a whore and a dick, but I gave him another chance. Multiple times. When ever we hung out, he would touch me and wanted to fuck me. I always said no." You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt. "The last time I was with him we were watching movies at his house. He came on to me and started kissing me all over. He wanted me to suck him, but I refused. He gave up on that and then I reluctlently gave him a hand job."

2D didn't say a word.

"He then flipped me on to my stomach, pulled my shorts and panties down..." You felt tears forming and tried to fight them. "He tried to insert himself into me, but here's the funny part: he came before he even got the tip in. I got saved from rape by him not pleasing himself before I went there." It wasn't funny, but you tried to lighten the mood for yourself.

2D stayed quiet and listened to you. You squeezed his hand.

"And that's most likely why I can't be intimate physically. Like I said, if it changes anything I understand."

"Why woul' i' change anyfink? You didn' do anyfink wrong. I'm glad yew told me." He hugged you thighter. You finally burst out crying. "I'll be 'ere when eve' yew need me, ok? Tell me when yew aren' ok wif somefink."


"The pie is done." You wiped your tears on to your sleeve and got up. 2D got up aswell and took the pie out.

"Smells really good. Yew coul' make these fo' me every day." He had that adorable grin on his face. It made you feel better.

Everything feels terrible (Gorillaz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now