Feeling like a bag of shit

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I woke up and felt like shit and like I was on the verge of tears. I check my phone.

2D> when are you coming?

< could you come over instead? I feel like shit again.

Few minutes go by.

2D> no, you said you'd come over. I've been waiting for you and so has everyone else.

Made me feel more like shit and was enough to make me cry.

< I'm sorry...

2D> do you even care about how I feel?

< I'm sorry. I'll come.

2D> answer my question

< yeah..

I forced myself out of bed. Hopped in shower and brushed my teeth in there. Two birds with one stone. I wringed my hair and didn't bother putting effort into my looks. Just threw something clean enough from the floor and ate a ready meal.

I made my way to the appartments feeling dread and guilty the whole time. I really didn't want to go but I had made a promise.

I rang the door bell and 2D opened, looking tired. Nothing surprising. We did our usual routine of watching movies without much conversation until we got hungry. Noodle had made lunch for that day. We sat with Noodle at the table eating. Russ joined soon after.

We chat a little, but the shitty feeling was still there. After eating and back in the bed, 2D tried to hold my hand. I didn't respond.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel nothing."

"I'm sorry." He frowned a little in a worry.


We finish few movies and my mood improves a little. Not on the verge of tears anymore. I tell 2D I want to go home. He hugs me and won't let go.

"D, I seriously have to go."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you feel shit."

"It's not your fault. It just comes out of no where. Has nothing to do with you."

"I feel like I did something."

"Not everything is about you..!" I grit my teeth.

"Sorry.." he finally lets go.

Everything feels terrible (Gorillaz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now