Victim blaming

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"What's the matter, luv?" Murdoc asked me with a concerned voice.   "Why aren't you wearing that outfit you got?"

"I don't want to..."

"Why? You said you loved it."

"I did but not anymore."

"Do you want to tell me?"

"Why are you even concerned about me anyways?"

"Don't answer me with a question."

I sigh before sitting up on the couch. Murdoc sat next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"I went to a bar wearing the outfit and this old guy just started staring at me weird. I told the bartender about it and they just said it was my fault for showing off my assets."

Murdoc's nails dug into my skin as he heard what I said.

"Ow, Murdoc."

He let go and apologized before getting up.

"Where are you going, Mudz?"

"Which bar were you at?"

"The weird corner with the nun statue at the door."

Murdoc grabs his jacket and heads out. I ran after him and hop into his geep. He speeds along carelessly parking into the handicap parking space.

"Is he here, luv?"

I look around for a bit.

"That one. With the bald head and collared shirt."

"The one that looks like a nonce?" This put a smile on my face.

"Yeah. The nonce."

Murdoc walks over and my smile turns into to horror as he punches him. He keeps at it and comes back to me.

"Which bartender?"

I hesitate.

"Which bartender!?"

"I, uh, i-it-it's the one with slick back hair and that shitty beard."

He goes up to him, slamming the bartender's head against the counter. Murdoc yells at him and the bartender puts up a fight. Some minutes later we run back to the geep and drive off.

"Murdoc... Why the fuck did you do that!? That wasn't necessary at all!"

"It was to me. No one makes you feel like shit and ashamed of your body. You're the most beautiful and gorgeus person I've met. You should wear whatever you feel like. If you want to run around naked, do that. Never let anyone put you down. You better not forget that, got it?"

"Thanks, Mudz." I kiss his cheek. He smiles and takes me home.

Everything feels terrible (Gorillaz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now