I want to see you! One last time! Please, Marco!

"Okay then, promise me. Promise me, you will not cry ever until you see the ocean. You will fling aside your humanity during fights, and believe in your own power, okay?"

Now that I remember it, this doesn't sound anything like Marco would say. Was it possibly myself that promised myself all this? Because, I can't handle change? It was only a month after I recieved the news about Marco's death so, it would make sense...

I laugh for a second and wipe my glossy eyes. I'm so stupid. How'd I not figure this out sooner?! Marco's too kind and know's I could've died any day before I see the ocean, yet it was just my imagination playing tricks on me?! How pathetic.

"Ezlyn." Someone says. I look up and see someone I've been longing for. Marco?!

"M-Marco?!" I stand up and raise my hands over my mouth.

"It seems out figured it out?" He uses one of his sun shiney smiles. But this one was apologetic. "I'm sorry about what I said. But, I was hoping you would keep the promise until you saw the ocean."

"W-Why are you here?" I stutter. Resting my hand on his forearm. He was solid, but I was in a familiar flower field.

"I'm here to make you promise something again. It's almost the same as the last one." He laughs sweetly and rubs the back of his neck, like he used to do when he was nervous.

My heart melted. "Please, tell me." I plea, sliding my arms round his waist and hugging him. I listened for a heartbeat but all I could hear was my blood drumming against my ears.

He starts running his fingers through my hair. "Okay. I want you to promise me that: You'll be loyal to the Scouts and fight your best during fights. Try your best not to cry until you see the ocean. I'll give you one time to cry before you see the ocean. And... look after Jean for me. Okay?" I smile softly.

"So, it wasn't my imagination." I chuckle. He laughs again.

"Yes, it wasn't." He pulls me off his chest and looks me in the eye. "So? I need an answer." He tucks a strand of my brown locks behind my ear.

"Okay! I promise you." I wrap my arms round him once again. He sighs.

"Good. Today you don't need to contribute to the second promise." I notice my surroundings change. The sloped roof under my feet and my shoulder's supporting Eren.

I open my eyes and the scene that was there before I made my second promise with Marco, started to play out again.

"Please give it to me!" Mikasa asks, still pinning Levi down.

Floch steps forward. "The one who will save humanity... is Commander Erwin."

Mikasa snaps her head round to face him. "Shut up!"

"I will not shut up. Don't think you're the only ones who had it tough! You might not know, but... On the other side of that wall, there's not a single living soldier." Floch raises his hand and points to the wall. "Everyone died when the Beast Titan threw boulders at us. I didn't think anyone could be saved. But Commander Erwin was the only exception. He thought of a plan for us to bite back at the Beast Titan and we did. We were smashed to bits just as planned. And I'm sure the last thing they felt... was fear." I listened to him, anger bubbling up inside of me. Just because he was the 'last survivior' from the cavalry charge doesn't mean he knows how the others felt before death.

"When I found the commander alive, I was about to finish him off." I gasp and everyone else seems to do the same. "But... that's going too easy on him. I thought to myself that he ought to taste more of this hell. And then... I understood.  The only one who can lay waste to the Titans... is a devil! And if I can bring back the devil, that must be my mission in life! That has to be why I survived like a coward when everyone else died! So stay out of his way!" Floch lunges for Mikasa and she raises her sword, ready to spill blood.

The Bloom Titan (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now