Pool day!

613 18 42

"I think she died-"

"Thank goodness..."


Tracy woke up to a group of 4 survivors surrounding her. Demi, Fiona, Freddy and Norton had found her passed out on the couch, after what she told them was an "eventful night *wink wink*".

She looked around and searched for the clock on the wall. It marked 3 pm, which means that, not only she missed breakfast and lunch, she also missed 3 of the matches she had scheduled for today. Miss Nightingale is gonna kill her...

She can't help it!! Summer is here, it's hot as hell, and we all know how summer makes us lazy. In the morning, the whole manor feels like it's burning, and when they open the windows? A gush of WARM wind comes inside and they start sweating like bullets.

"You better get ready, we have a long afternoon awaiting us!" Demi smiled widely, opening the blinds of the windows in the living room.

"Last time I checked, rescuing Robbie from Edgar's "experiments" does not mean 'long afternoon'."

"Wait, what experiments?" Norton asked.

"The idiot thinks that trapping a 7 year old in a trashcan is the revolution for the infants. Little does he know, he can get arrested for it." Freddy said, rolling his eyes.

"Stop misgendering the poor kid..." Fiona squinted her eyes at him.

"So what do we have in store?" Tracy yawned, as she stretched her arms, sitting on the couch.

"First, you're gonna stop yawning. I can see your whole stomach from here, and it's the ugliest thing I've ever had the misfortune of laying my eyes upon."

Demi then slapped the back of Freddy's head.

"We're going to the pool, sis! It's hot as heck, so why not?!"

That was like a switch in Tracy's mind. Because the moment she heard the word "pool", her eyes shone brightly and she jumped off the couch, storming off to her room to get ready. They could've sworn she ran over Freddy, but that's not important.


"We have a pool?!" Andrew screamed at the top of his lungs. If he knew this earlier he wouldn't be matching at all!! Fuck Miss Nightingale!

"Yeah and everyone is waiting for us downstairs. Let's hurry up, yeah?" Edgar said, throwing the sunscreen at Victor, making him fall off the bed, and of course, scaring the living shit out of Luca, who fell off his chair.

We all love a chain of events ☺

"By 'everyone' do you mean "the kids"?" Andrew asked, helping Luca standing up.

"And by 'kids' do you mean "Tracy and Annie"? Because those two have a problem with pools."

"It doesn't really matter, does it? Let's get ready, and go!" Victor signed, and the other 3 nodded.


"So this is the new hunter..."

"Damn, she's pretty!"

"She looks like Mary and Joseph's kid."

"She smells like fish."

"I wonder what else in her smells like fish-"

Demi slapped the back of Freddy's head once again.

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