The Trip Pt. 3

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As yall might've already noticed, these next few chapters will have little to no texting ajskabsjs


"Too many boobies..."

"Kevin, stop looking at other people's chests... that's just weird." Emma was SCARED.

There were a lot of semi-naked people at the beach today, and she was NOT OKAY with it. Was it hard to cover up a bit??

Everyone was having fun and she was way too nervous. Why? Well, bi panic ig 🤷

Everyone was playing volleyball. It was fun! Luca fell 3 times, Margaretha got balls in the face twice (😏), Mary's head was used as a ball at some point...

Robbie, Gaby, and Sam eventually got lost, and Yidhra, Demi, and Michiko had to go looking for them. Only to find out that they were building a whole ass sand castle on the other side of the beach. (Which, by the way, was destroyed by a seagull, and Sam cried).

"Fear not, Sir Sam! The dragon is already gone, and we can build the castle again!" Robbie encouraged Sam, who was covered in sweat, tears, snot, and sand.

"Pog" Gaby said.

Demi laughed as she watched Gaby and Robbie digging a big hole, which was, apparently, "a house for the infant, because he won't shut the fuck up". As Luca called it.

Of course, Sam got even more scared and ran away to Jose's arms, who accidentally stepped on their second sand castle.

Sam did not cry, no. He screamed his fucking lungs out.

What a 😀fucking😀 headache.

"It's okay, Sam!! Here, take a seaweed!" Naib said, giving the kid a seaweed he had found. Demi smacked the back of his head.



"Maryyy can we stay a bit longer???" Mike whined at Mary's legs, trying to convince her to let them stay a bit longer, before going back to the resort.

"No, Mr Morton! No is no! Fan almost had a panic attack and we are all tired!"

Mike pouted at that, but felt Emma's hand on his shoulder.

"Take her word, Mikey. After all, today is mothers' day! And we don't want to upset mom!"


"Oh, you definitely are. You, Antonio, and Emily, basically."

"I'm a man..." Antonio cried.

"Are you sure about that? Cut your hair, stop making dinner, stop cleaning, and then we talk."

"That's so not okay, Mike..." Tracy smiled nervously.

"Fine. Stay a couple more minutes. But we'll have dinner at 9!" Mary said, walking off with the hunters and Sam.

"We have the beach to ourselves, guys!!"

"No, Luca. There are still people here." Naib pointed out.

"Even so! Let's all go to the water, pleeeaaseeeee!!"


Edgar looked around. There was little to no people on the beach by now. The sun was basically setting, and the waves were calming down. They had spent the whole day at the beach, so they were exhausted.

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