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No, it's not over. I have a big BIG obsession with this game, so I felt in the obligation of keeping up whatever this mess is💀

So for the ones who just got here and have no idea how the first book went, please go read it. There is a lot of context to catch up with.

For the ones who had their cheese and sanity stolen long ago, HERE IS THE CONTINUATION BITCHESSSSS

But if you are stubborn and refuse to read the first book, here is everything you need to know!

1. Everything in here is a joke and not meant to offend anyone. I do recommend you read this with an open mind :3

2. Sometimes I break the fourth wall.

3. The names for the survivors are:

LuckyGay: Lucky Guy

EmilyDrier: Emily Dyer

EmmaWoody: Emma Woods

GuyWhoStoleMyPS4: Kreacher Pierson

TerrorShockn't: Freddy Riley

SubNaib: Naib Subedar

CoordinatingThemAll: Martha Behamfil

TinyWand: Servais LeRoy

DoraThe_Explorer: Kurt Frank

Sonic: William Ellis

CowardBrat: Tracy Reznik

BlindfoldOn: Helena Adams

TotallyNotChloe: Vera Nair

BondageKink: Kevin Ayuso

Cockroach: Fiona Gilman

DanceToForget: Margaretha Zelle

OwlLover: Eli Clark

Noaman: Aesop Carl

MetalAttractor: Norton Campbell

CursesToCurse: Patricia Dorval

Balls_InMyFace: Mike Morton

CristianoRonaldo: José Baden

Drinkx3: Demi Bourbon

MailMan: Victor Grantz

WheresMyMelanin: Andrew Kreiss

Rat: Luca Balsa

QueenBee: Melly Plinius

DaVinky: Edgar Valden

EatTheRich: Ganji Gupta

4. Murro is not in the groupchat

5. The names for the hunters are:

Stitches: Leo Beck

PennywiseOnCrack: Joker

UglySlenderman: Jack

MooseHead_Wall: Bane Perez

That1SpiderInMyRoomAt3AM: Violetta

Gaysha: Michiko

TentacleHentai: Hastur

Polaroid: Joseph Desaulniers

WangChu: Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu

ThemEyesRMad: Burke Lapadura

Snek: Yidhra

Lizzzard: Luchino

Girl_In_Red: Mary

AnnaBanana: Ann

KillingMeSoftlyWithHisSong: Antonio

LightningMcQueen: Galatea Claude

Pervy: Percy

TheySeeMeRolling: The Will Brothers

6. BonBon is not in the groupchat, and Robbie was once, as ReasonWhyIHateKids.

7. Relationships:

Naib x Norton (Married)

VALE (Married)

Eli x Hastur (Not Dating, but seeing each other iykwim 😏)

Demi x Jose (Dating and have a little boy named Sam)

Melly x Emma (Dating)

Patricia x Fiona (Dating, they broke up once and got back together)

William x Tracy (Dating)

Kreacher x Servais x Kurt (Dating)

Aesop x Joseph (It's complicated, but Eli exists to make everything okay OwO)

Mary x Michiko (Dating)

8. More things you might need to know:

Naib hates Jack and Jack has an obsession with Naib.

Naib and Norton adopted Martha.

Vera has a crush on Eli and Martha at the same time, she's confused lol

Helena and Martha are 18.

Mary is the mom of the manor.

Lucky is the dad of the survivors.

WuChang are twins.

Emily is the mom of the survivors.

Naib is amazing with kids.

Ganji has a love/hate relationship with both Edgar and Naib.

Edgar and Luca met each other before the manor.

Yidhra's follower's name is Gaby, and she is 7 years old.

Mike has a big BIG crush on Ganji.

Kevin has internalized homophobia but he's working on it.

Nightingale appears every now and then.

Freddy is a bitch.

Tracy and Luca have a brother/sister friendship.

Victor's gang appeared twice and it was a mess.

José was born in Portugal, because I'm portuguese and I said so.

Luca is a chaotic mess.

Edgar uses they/them pronouns.

Emma has no idea of what happened to her mom.

The Will Brothers are complete jerks.

In the last chapter of the first book, they burned the manor and made a deal with Nightingale.

The first book was released when Melly had just entered the manor.

This book is being released when Annie Lester is yet to be released.

There are A LOT of adult jokes here.

They don't dislike living in the manor but they also don't love it.



I think that's all. Enjoy the book!🐀

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