oh shit a rat! 🐀

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Hello there guys, gals, and non-binary pals ;)

As you might've already noticed, this is not a ✨normal chapter✨

This is what I like to call "the thing I decided to do if I ran out of ideas"

I was thinking "aight so! A lot of people are eager to learn more about... whatever this mess of a book is, and its author (or not, I understand if you don't care about the author, I wouldn't care about me either lol)"

So I thought that maybe I'd do a separate chapter, to explain some things about me, and this book! So, if you're not interested in reading this. It's fine! There's gonna be a chapter tomorrow, anyways ;)

For those who for some reason decided to stay, please enjoy!


*sits down on really expensive chair*

Hello. 🧍

My name is Charlie, and I am the ✨creator✨ of this book. I use they/them pronouns (please, stop calling me daddy, it's really weird 😀), and I am 17 years old! Now, for someone my age, I feel like my brain is still stuck on the 9 year old boy mentality (and by that, I mean: making 'your mom' jokes 24/7; making DN jokes to my family at dinner; and throw random stuff at my parents while they're sleeping)

Now that you know a bit more about me, let's talk about my relationship with IDV!

It's a really toxic one. I'm in an abusive relationship with this game for almost 2 years now, and I feel like it's not going to stop so soon.

I have a gambling addiction, and everytime I don't get a skin from an essence, I feel like my life has been a complete lie.

Anyways, I completely fell in love with the characters and the story, and... you know what that means... 1+1=3

My stupidity + this stupid game = a book that I created at 4 am on a Monday, while having trouble sleeping because of the insanely huge amount of fake scenarios I was creating in my head.

And then, IDV Groupchat was born!

Now, when this book was created, it was basically a dumpster for all of the shitty ideas my ADHD brain creates 24/7. So any stupid idea that comes to mind, I just throw it in here, and boom! A new chapter is created.

I never thought I would have to create a second book, what the fuck is wrong with me? 🧎


Anyways, let's talk about the book itself!

As if it wasn't obvious enough, Luca and Edgar are my self-inserts. Luca as the stupid part of my brain, and Edgar as my kinnie self.

Nightingale is basically the character for Netease. She is how I imagine and portrait Netease as a company.

Most of the characters, like the Broken Wheel or Mary (so mainly the hunters) are how I portrait the fandom in general. The good sides and the bad sides.

I try to keep a balance between the stupid and silly chapters and the angsty ones. Because, let's be honest, sometimes a good angst is what keeps us moving UwU

I'm gonna be honest here, I love to beat the shit out of Luca, Aesop, Edgar, Naib, etc. THEY ARE MY CHARACTERS NOW AND I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT WITH THEM!!! I HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE THEM COMMIT ARSON!! ISN'T THAT AMAZING???

But like, I think Edgar, as my kin, is the character I use the most as a punching bag. His story is so interesting to me and I just love to make his life miserable. So I'm here to formally apologize if his character becomes too much. I love messing around with him, and I don't wanna make it tiring. So, sorry in advance!

Also, something really important I want to talk about!! Most of the ships that I included in this book, I don't even ship. Like JosCarl. I respect who ships them, but I don't ship them. Thing is, I'm trying to include as many ships as I can. I'm not one of those people that will try to cancel you if you ship JosCarl or JackNaib. I think that's stupid. We are all human beings, and we know how to differentiate reality from fiction (at least, that's how the basic human brain works).

That's why I don't mind including some of the ships you suggest! If I can't make them canon in my book, I will just mess around yk? Like I'm doing with Joseph and Antonio. Little by little.

My main goal here is that everyone respects each other and have fun. Let's be serious here for a moment: the fandom is toxic as fuck. We have racist, homophobic, xenophobic people in here. We have people that will tell you to kys if you ship certain characters. This book is like a deep breath for me. Is how I can escape the toxicity of the fandom. And knowing that you, amazing people, are here supporting me and this book, makes me the happiest person alive. You guys, and this book, mean the world to me <3

I want everyone here to feel included, welcome, and happy. Really.

Another thing is, the amount of shit that happens in here. I know, I know, a lot happened. People getting married, children, arson, Freddy...

All of these things happened because I'm happy that I can do whatever I want in my book. It's a feeling of freedom idk. So I don't care if it's out of character, or too much. I'm having fun writing those scenes, so I'll keep writing them! (Always loyal to the original plot)

After all, that's what fanfictions are for!


Now, based on what you read during the chapters, I want you to try and guess what is my otp.

I'll give you a moment to think.

Have an idea? Great!

It's wrong.

Guess what?? I never included my otp in here!! :D

Yeah hehe... my otp was NEVER even mentioned in this book. It's so specific that I didn't even bother akshaksj

It's William x Naib don't come at me, please, I have a family to feed, and I'm way too young to get eaten by the IDV fandom-

But I tried to replace my otp with my other favorite ships, NortNaib and VALE. Let's say it's 2 ships to compensate the one I didn't put here.


I guess this is the end of this "chapter"! Again, tomorrow I'll post an actual chapter lol. If you have something you want me to clarify, feel free to ask!

I love you all, and thank you for all of the support on this book ❤

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