Chapter 34

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Something is dreadfully wrong. 

There's no specific manner of describing the sense. It's probably different for everyone but for me it starts with a pit in my stomach. The pit works up to my throat and tightens it up like when I'm about to cry. My muscles cramp and my steps feel labored. 

My mind rushes to comfort me, assuring me that the feeling is just a feeling. Everything is alright. 

I don't think so. 

Ever since revealing my powers, guards have escorted me everywhere along with a researcher. Today, there are double the guards as usual and an extra researcher. They don't take me to the routine location for a series of tests but walk me to the deck of the ship. 

It could be that I just didn't notice it prior, but the guards have guns tucked in their belts. 

It could be that I just didn't notice it before, but the researchers Hansen and Melinda are wearing gloves. 

It could be that I just didn't notice it before, but their grip on me is extra tight. 

The ship had been traveling speedily. In my room, I wondered where we were headed. As the expressions on everyone's faces are grim, my mind wanders to dark places. My optimism swats at the thoughts like a buzzing fly. 

It's silent above deck. It's almost dead silent apart from the crashing waves. 

The crates are blocking the view but it's safe to assume we're out in the middle of the ocean. 

A terrifying thought surfaces. 

They're going to kill me and dump my body at sea. 

It isn't a crazy idea. Nakpuna said it himself, I am more trouble than I am worth. He might have gotten his fill of information from me during these days of testing. He might have gotten his information on Neverland and the insider from Charlie. Besides that, what am I good for? 

I have always questioned how I would be returned home - if I would be. 

I recall falling from the crates to the deck and splattering into a heap of injured limbs. That could happen again except this time I will be dead and plunging into the ocean. 

I am being pulled down the line of crates. I ask what we're doing here and I am met with more silence. 

As we make further progress, my vision makes out figures. It makes out faces. It makes out scenery. It makes out an island. 


The ship is as close as it can be to Neverland and everyone who dwelled on it is kneeling on the deck with their hands tied behind their backs. 


The cry belongs to Luka who makes a move to sit up and is shoved back in place by the guard behind him. His glasses fall off of his face, causing the lens to crack. 

Willow is next to Jimmy who is pressing his head into her side. "Oh my goodness, you look half dead." 

I refuse to believe what I'm seeing is real. 

Finding my voice, I ask, "How did this happen? How did they find you -" 

"It wasn't you?" Shawn is back to back with Willow and has to crane his neck to peer at me. His stare is no match for Tina's. 

"No, I would never tell." 

Charlie. It was Charlie. 

My knees buckle. I slip out of the guard's grip and then I'm crawling over to them. I wrap my arms around, Willow, Jimmy, Luka, Shawn - anyone who can fit. 

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