20: June Wedding

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His smile lit up his entire face. When we got to the end, Wanda kissed my cheek and handed me to Kai. She then stood beside Bonnie, Elena, and Caroline. Everyone then sat down.

Kai had Damon and Brandon by his side.
"We are here, to celebrate the union of Andrea Gilbert-Maximoff and Malachai Parker" Freya started.

"As we move this ceremony forward, is there anything you guys would like to share?"

Kai nodded, signaling that he would go first.
"Andrea, you changed my life completely. When I first met you, I thought you were just an ordinary girl; But as I got to know you, I realized you were more than that. You were more like me than anyone I had ever met. There was this one day where I looked in your eyes, and I realized I fell in love with you, and you smiled because you knew" The room filled with 'awes' as he continued.

"Well I didn't fall, you fucking tripped me" I laughed and wiped some tears off my cheek. "The point is, you changed me for the better and I love you for that. I can't imagine who I would be if you weren't by my side. I love you, and always will"

People clapped as he ended his vows, "Andrea..." Freya said, signaling me to say mine.

"Oh god, how do I beat that" I laughed, "Malachai Parker, you are-" I stop and gasp in pain.

lmao im so sorry i just wanted to mess with yall, rewind!

"Malachai Parker, you are one of the most important people to me. I don't know where I would be if it weren't for us meeting. Having you by my side has been the best experience I've ever had" I said.

"You bring me such joy not only by your sarcasm, or how you act, but just by being you. You have taught me so much and I appreciate everything you've done for me. You've made me a better person and I can't thank you enough for that. I promise to always be by your side, and to love you until my last breath"

Everyone clapped and we continued the ceremony. Once we got the end, I was already growing impatient to just kiss him. "As we reach the end of this ceremony, is there anyone who would like to object" Freya said. Kai and I looked at the guest who were seated. They stayed silent.

"Speak now, or forever hold your peace". No one stood up or said anything, we just continued the ceremony. "Rings?", she asked. Bonnie stepped aside and grabbed the small cushion that had our rings on it, she gave it to Freya, who then gave my ring to Kai, and his to me.

"I, Andrea, take you Malachai, to be my husband, to have and hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part", I slipped the wedding band onto his left-hand ring finger.

"I, Malachai, take you Andrea, to be my wife, to have and hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part", he did the same for me.

"It is my honor to pronounce you husband, and wife" Freya said, Kai held my hands.

"You may now, kiss the bri-" She didn't get to finish as Kai pulled me into a kiss. We heard everyone cheer and clap. "Mr. and Mrs. Parker, everyone!" She yelled out.

We pulled back and I smiled widely. Kai and I started walking out to where the reception will be. I stared in awe as I looked at all the decorations.

"You like it?" Caroline asked, coming up from
behind me.
"Yeah. I knew it was a good idea having you as my wedding planner"

We laughed and she walked off. Elena and Damon walked up to the table where Kai amd I were now seated. The twins went up to Hope and talked with her.

All of us ate and then it was time for the dances. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the father-daughter dance!" I looked at Caroline confused.

"Ugh, does this D.J know anything!?" She yelled.
"Well you hired him" I whispered.
"I didn't! Dorian recommended him!"

"Caroline, its fine. I want to dance with her" Damon said.
I smiled and walked on the dance floor with him as the D.J put on a random slow song.

"Congrats, wicked-witch-of-the-west"
I laughed, "Don't call me that!"
"What do you want me to call you!? After all I'm married to your sister; That makes you my sister-in-law"

"Don't call me that either" I joked.
"Well, you are Elena's little sister. That makes you my litte sister aswell, whether you like it or not"
"You're only saying that because its my wedding day"

"No, it's true. And I'm sure Stefan would too" He said, we kept rocking back and forth until the song ended.

(okay, i need yall to work with me. if you could search up "its been a long, long time" by kitty allen on any music app, that will be the song that should play next for this part! i would include it but i can only add one song:( thanks!)

"Now for the newlyweds to have their dance!" Caroline announced.

Kai and I stepped onto the dance floor. His hands rested on my lower back and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We swayed back and forth, enjoying the music and eachother's company.

"I love you" He whispered
"I love you too", I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment.

He held up my chin and kissed me gently. We heard people start clapping and cheering. "Are you happy, Mrs. Parker?" He asked, a smirk rose on his face.

"Damn right" I laughed. Kai pulled my arm out and twirled me around. He lead me into damcing a bit more. "I didn't know you could dance"
"Only for you, babe" He replied.

Kai then pulled me back in tightly, and we continued swaying back and forth. Once we ended the dance, everyone came back onto the dance floor.

"Mom!" Adira yelled, I turned around and faced towards her.
"There's mac 'n' cheese cupcakes!" Airis explained.

I laughed and grabbed Kai's hand and we ran towards where the food was. The four of us grabbed one and ate it while standing, watching everyone enjoy the night.

When the twins finished, they went with Hope on the dance floor.
"Look at our kids" I said, admiring how happy they looked.

"See, I would've said 'Ready to make another one?' But we can't." He said

"Well, we could certainly do the process of having kids" I smirked. Kai raised his eyebrow and dragged me to one of the guest room's inside the venue.

I could definitely say that I really, really enjoyed it.

a/n: hey guys! I really hope you enjoyed this last chapter:(. I want to thank all of you for all the love and support throughout this book. Thanks for all the funny comments yall would leave, its truly made my day. The amount I've grown as a writer is incredible and I owe it all to you guys! I am planning out a Klaus fanfic for those of you who are interested (i will post it in a couple days, i will make sure to announce it on here) but again, thank you so much for everything!💓💓💓👋🏽

edit: there is a third book! the "intro" is on this sequel after the a/n chapter💓

WAITING GAME/KAI PARKER FANFICTIONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora