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Chase's grip of her hand was warm and firm, making Jayde a little giddy and she gave their clasped hands a slight swing as they walked. She felt Chase was deep in thought as they followed Declan through the lovely farmhouse. Ignoring the strange looks he kept givingy Chase and the rolling tension her Panthera expelled, she took in the masculine home.
It was truly amazing. Full of grey wood and natural stone, the house brought the outside inside. Green plants decorated every room she passed.

The large living area that Declan lead them into was just as incredible. A huge TV was on the side wall, surrounded by large plants and adoring lights but the jaw dropping features was the grand floor to ceiling windows that showcased a breath taking stone water fountain outside. It was absolutely beautiful, a true masterpiece. Soft light illuminated the slight sparkle in the grey granite and cast shadows that made the three faces of the insinuated humanly shapes intwined in an embrace seem as though they were soflty smiling. Such a beautiful, beautiful piece.

From the corner of her eye she saw Tye pace, his shaggy hair was a mess and his clothing was dirty, torn and a little bloody. His gait was long and full of fury.
"Tye?" At the sound of her voice he froze and swung his head around to her. Letting go of Chase's hand, Jayde walked over to the Crow shifter. His chest heaved with his deep breaths.
"What is it?" she asked carefully.
"Shit." his intensity was so potent that her Sin cast shadows over her hands at the ready, unaware Tye went on to say, "I was heading to the farm Market when I saw a group of these fucked up looking, giant ass demon fuckers, so I flew in closer to find a woman and a young boy being taunted. Argh..." he pulled at his hair with a crazed look in his eyes that seemed way out of character.
"Come, sit down," she ushered him to the U shaped dark grey lounge suit.

Tye sat down and she sat next to him, Chase sat beside her, began to trace lulling patterns over her back. Casey and Kane were already seated on the opposite side. Tye's legs were twitching uncontrollably, his arms twitching along at the rapid pace as he rested them on his thighs and his body slumped over, head hung down. Jayde placed a gentle hand on Tye's shoulder expelling some healing power into him to seal his already healing wounds and she glared over her shoulder at the growling Panthera behind her. Chase frowned back at her all feral like and covetous, then sighed and mouthed 'sorry'.

Jayde felt Chase move a little closer to her but he ceased his possessive growl. Giving Tye a squeeze on the shoulder she asked, "What happened Tye? What happened to you?"
He frowned over at her "Who gives a fuck about me, clearly I'm fine. It's them I'm worried about."
"Who?" Chase injected. His rumbling deep voice sensing little shivers over her skin. He must have sensed her reaction to him, because he traced his fingers over the skin on the back of her neck and squeezed suggestively.

"I tried to save them. The fucking demons, they separated the woman and child. She... She fought so hard, like a true fighter, you know, but those fuckers knocked her out and ran away with her. I chased them for a couple of kilometres. She.... She was dropped when I attacked the huge asshole demons taking her. Gods, her scream... Its fucking in here, " he punched the sides of his head with the outsides of his fists. This violent version of the shifter was intimidating and not at all like the fun loving, smart mouth tease she had briefly known and come to like. Jayde gripped his arm and pulled it away from his head. He looked over at her and she saw his struggles in his eyes before he dropped his gaze down to the lovely grey rug at their feet.

Deep breath, deep breath, "She screamed at me to save the boy so I did. The boy was a little fighter too with a filthy fucking mouth and a questionable savagery. I took out the massive asshole trying to take off with him and the boy didn't even flinch, like it was an every day mother fucking parade." Haunted dark eyes looked up at her and the twitching increased. "With the boy's hand in mine, we ran to find her. They were pinning her down with these, these fucked up snake like rope things... Fuck! " He stood up and began pacing behind the long side of the couch. They all turned to watch the shaken, livid shifter.

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