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"Jayde, can you hear me! Jayde," she heard Alvaro calling out to her through the fog. She couldn't open her eyes. God where was she? Where ever she was, it smelt divine. Blinking hard, she realised her eyes weren't sealed shut, she was just in a pitch black room, on the soft mattress in the basement of the stunning shifter male's house. It took a little while before her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she looked around to find herself alone down here.

God's her body ached like a bitch. Running her hands over her body in the blackness, feeling material padding patches over most of her torso and thighs.
"Jayde," Alvaro voice brushed her mind again.
"Alvaro? Can you hear me?"
"Jayde, oh my gods. Are you ok?" her warrior asked her.
She sat up in a rush and focused into their connection.
"I'm with the Panthera people we fought beside before our capture, I'm safe. What of you Silverlicious?"
She felt the struggle he had keeping the connection, felt his cold, cold pain.

"I'm pinned under rock and snow. All I see is white. My body, its broken and my Sin keeps tearing me apart."
"God's Alvaro," she exclaimed, "The same is for my Sinaeryn. It has broken my bones and torn my flesh, I can barely control it without my jade. How do I find you Alvaro? Tell me and I'll be there, as soon as I can walk again."
Alvaro was silent for a moment and she thought the connection was severed until he replied with, "I'm sensing that I'm in the Northern hemisphere of the earth Realm. I'm under a lot of snow Jayde, the weight is crushing," then he added in a whisper, "I don't think you will ever be able to find me".
"What of your fall Alvaro. Do you recall anything? Anything that can help me find you?"
He began groaning through her mind.
The roar he sent through her made her scream in pain with him. He projected his memory of his fall from the Dephillian Realm.

White covered mountains, white coated trees, white ground. He crashed into the side of a mountain that looked like a shark fin surrounded by smaller peaks. The ground beneath him fell away as he slid down the mountain, an awful cracking sound bounced off his surroundings, a violent avalanche swallowed Alvaro and buried him deep. Right before the vision cleared her mind, Alvaro's savage and dark Sinaeryn reared its dark ominous head and roared at her. It's molten silver eyes shone malevolently, his shadowy twin straight horns vibrated with fury. And then the connection snapped

"Alvaro? Alvaro?.... Alvaro!," she yelled out, her Sin flaring and reaching out for Alvaro's.
The door at the top of the stairs flew open, banging against the wall, a stream of light pierced the dark room and Tye was there, worry all over his handsome face. He turned the light on, stalking down the steps in a hurry.
" What? What happened?" Tye ripped away the blanket covering her frantically looking at her body.
His dark, dark eyes looked into hers. "What wrong woman?"

She snatched at the bandages and peeled the gauze covering her, trying to stand up, only her knees gave out and she collapse.
"I've have to go, I've got to find him. No let me go, let me go."
Tye picked her up and supported her until she sat back up on the mattress.
"Come on Jayde, you're not thinking straight. How the fuck do you think you're gonna leave here when you can't even stand. Chase and Casey are on their way back and they have what you need. That's it, calm your ass girl. They've got you the jade stone."
"Really?" Jayde breathed, "He did?"
Tye frowned, "They did."

She slumped backwards on the mattress and Tye reached over to put the lamp on. In a mess with conflicted feelings, she stared up at the ceiling. She was ready to go on the hunt for her Sins but she wasn't ready to cut the thread with the yellow green eyed Panthera.
Aware that she didn't know him, she still couldn't deny the bone deep connection he pulled from her. She knew that the shifter people bonded with another shifter and went on to became eternal mates, but the Sinaeryn didn't have that. Not that she had ever heard of. At that moment she kind of wished they had. At least she could have used that as a reason that she was drawn to him so irrevocably.

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