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Syray yanked her up and slammed her back into his body. Jayde went to grab his wrist with the curved blade against her throat but that was when he took the opportunity to slow her progress down deflecting the blow with complete ease. Zhon's stolen amethyst now working for him perfectly.
"Listen very carefully Jayde cos I'm only going to say this once... The day I collected you and your soldiers -"
"Collected?! You mean fucking kidnapped," Jayde spat out, it irritated the living shit out of her that she spoke in slow mo. He slammed her against him again, not appreciating the interruption.

"That day, your Sin showed me a little something. Firstly it showed me that I am to defeat Quolzart, keeper of the Realm gates or he will no longer allow anyone to travel through the realms, forever closing the gates of travel. Since that vision I have endeavored to prepare for the battle as your Sin had shown me. I have continued to gather all the Sinaeryn powers I can to better my chances and I have drank from Hades goblet of prosperity to strengthen my chances of victory. Quolzart has been asking around for the whereabouts of my fortress and it appears that he is to come to me very soon," to embellish his words he used his Sin's syphon power to use Jayde's foresight to show her. Instantly the vision he wanted to show her roses to the forefront.

She recalled seeing flashes of it previously herself, not really putting things together at the time. Syray's influence over her power made her shudder, he was getting stronger and today, with her lack of control of her foresight from her captivity by this same asshole, he had better control of what he pulled to the front of the visions. They came so fast, it was hard to decipher exactly what she could see.

Syray bleeding and injured, long thing shards of rock piercing him, a vicious storm, Quolzart here in this very courtyard, Syray fighting demons and Gnats in a hellish Realm, Quolzart imprisoned, being whipped by the God of Kings himself, Hades, Syray standing in front of the major orb that allows the travels through realms gates, A black cat morphing into a shadow warrior just like a Sinaeryn, black blood dripping from it elongated fangs. Part panthera, part Sin.
Flash, back.

She took a deep breath and shoved him out of her mind. It was painful, tearing the connection and as soon as she could think clearly, she swung around so fast he didn't have time to react and then it was she who held the long dagger to his throat. Evidently, he'd retracted the stillness of Zhon's amethyst stone, perhaps because he couldn't use both her foresight and Zhon's speed altering power at once.
"Call off your soldiers!" She demanded.

He hesitated, the glint in his eye telling her he had no intention of heeding her command. She pressed the blade into his flesh.
"Do it now. The last thing Sinaeryns need right now, if those visions speak true, is a war between each other! Call them off. Now!" Blood pooled in her hand holding the dagger inticing her to grip harder.

Alvaro whispered in her mind then, "Jayde, where are you? They've taken Zhon and Xuni hostage, Maeve and Bayton are held by a toxin Sin, Nakoa's zapped and has depleted his powers, we keep taking them down just to have more come. We are out numbered and we're in a bit of strife here, lady Green."
Jayde sent a snap shot of her whereabouts and whispered back through Alvaro's power, "Get everyone you can to gather behind the fallen columns in the centre, be with you in a sec".

Cadarax stepped through a portal and appeared beside her and Syray, his crossbow poised and ready to gift Syray an arrow in the heart. He waited. Jayde gave him a look that he understood as a 'hold' and told Syray one last time to call his warriors off.
He bleed from a wound on his neck from the blade she held, blood ran down his bare heavy set chest. He squeezed her wrist that held the weapon, slowly turned his head and tilted his chin down to meet her eyes. "You will stand beside me?" his deep low voice rumbled over his shoulder.
"Fuck no! Me and mine want to gut you for keeping us against our will in that fucking prison," she spat at him as she reached for a throwing knife and put the point to his back just over a kidney "We will make sure Quolzart doesn't close the gates and then I'm going to take your balls."

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