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Something big was upsetting the stunning naked Panthera before her. Panic and agitation surrounded him as he paced a hole in the floor in front of her. Her Sin was getting more pissed off by the second and the shadows slammed out of her palm and on to his chest.
"What the fuck's going on?"

Chase stopped in his tracks and looked down at her on his bed, the bed they had just completely ravished eachother on. A session she knew she'd play on repeat in her mind for decades to come,
Gods, what they did, hmmm... Mmmm...Mmmm, delish.
"Jayde, I -" the sexy naked man before her was lost for words. He ploughed his fingers through his silky dark hair and stalked towards her, she could tell his Panthera was on the forefront by the shine in his eyes and in the way his finger nails were now claws.

Jayde sat on her knees on the bed facing him, she too was completely bare. His luminous yellow green eyes travelled down her body and she couldn't help the little peak show she gave him by spreading her thighs apart just a little. His guttural growl did funny things to her, making her shiver. But just before he reached for her, his head turned towards the door. Then she heard the quiet footsteps before the knock on the bedroom door.
"Chase?" Casey's voice held authority.
Chase's eyes flared with his Panthera as he looked back at her
"What?" He snapped.
"We've got a problem."
"Hold on," Chase picked up his black t-shirt he had on earlier and carefully put it over her head and helped her put her arms in. Before he pulled the shirt down, he brushed his fingers over her breasts and down her stomach, as though he regretted covering her up. He brushed her hair back and kissed her briefly.
"Your skin is completely healed," he whispered in awe. She was about to tell him he was the reason her body was mended, that the powers of their sensual moment way exceeded any other she had witnessed or ever experienced, but she was interrupted.

Casey banged on the door again, Chase stormed over in all his naked glory and opened the door wide. Casey looked Chase up and down and then over to Jayde still on the bed. The alpha was clearly not happy, a deep concerned frown creasing his handsome face.
"You can stop with the glares. It's not like you didn't know, Case, " Chase said quietly, "it was inevitable, you knew that."
"Didn't take you long to make a move," Casey let out a string of well mannered curses. "And what of this, brother?" Casey pointed to Chase's chest.
"Just some extra art. Let me get dressed and I'll come wth you."
"No Chase, you need to do the jade stone and help her on her way." Casey's eyes fell on Chase's chest again and he added, "more than ever."

Chase snapped into an aggressive crouch and began growling low. Jayde's shadow flashed herself to stand behind him. She placed her hands on his chest from behind and instantly felt him settle. She knew she wasn't imagining the perfect tune of their heart beats, she felt it even more now with her chest pressed against his back. Chase placed a warm, clawed hand over hers and a shudder went through him. He gave her a sad smile over his shoulder that sat heavy in her heart.

The powerful alpha stared down his defensive brother with apprehension before he turned those intelligent honey coloured eyes on her.
"I think we've come across another Sinaeryn. And he's creating quite a disturbance for people in Brazil. There's reports of a whole Brazilian town being either frozen in time or slowed down to a stop. Most people are saying its a total hoax, while others are saying its a phenomenon sent from the gods"

Jayde let go of her Panthera and brushed past him.
"Zhon? What did you hear? How did you hear this?" Shadows floated around her, her Sinaeryn firing up with the need to find a comrade.
"Come, let me show you," Casey slowly turned, glaring at his brother before heading down the hallway. Jayde went to follow him but Chase's hand snatched out and gripped her wrist, pulling her to a stop beside him.

Big yellow green eyes searched hers, a shadow of regret faded away and in its place was the sexy feral man that made her want to leave everything else behind just to have him.
God's she wanted to, so badly.
But she had a duty to her people, she had to heal her inner Sinaeryn with the jade and diamond dust, and leave the sensual Panthera behind.
"Jayde," his voice was hoarse and his grip tightened.
"Come on Chase, funs over, handsome," she patted his alluring tattooed chest and went to pull away again. He was having none of that. With a pained groan his strong arms encased her, his lush skillful mouth kissed her hard and slow. And she was such a total sucker for him.

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