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Chase lifted Jayde from his lap and lead her down to his bed chamber at the other end of his house.
"Wait here, I'll be back in a sec," he told her, disappearing down the hall. She took a strip of leather from the top of the tall chest of drawers and tied her hair back away from her face. She bounced on her toes feeling no more aches or pains from her fall through the portal or the backlash of her Sin's outbursts. She was up for a good fight, ready and reved. Standing in the ensuite doorway, she lifted her leg up, stretching it as far as it could go whilst still standing up right.

Chase wasn't gone for long and when he stalked in with his sexy prowl, like the animal he was, she heated up inside. Panic coated his features until he saw her in the doorway. She swapped legs as he sat down on the end of his messed up bed facing her. He had a pile of clothes on his lap and a black bag thudded to the ground with the distinct sound of metal. He stare up at her, still as a statue.

Pulling away from the door way she placed her hands on the floor and kicked her legs over in a walk over to stretch out her spine.
"What you got there, handsome?"
His stunning yellow green eyes with those thick black lashes blinked up at her slowly. A peacefulness glinted in his eyes, he gave her a heart stopping smile that stole her breath.
"Promise me you will return to me, my shadow warrior, my dark Beauty," he whispered taking her hand when she reached him.
"There won't be a force strong enough in all the realms to keep me from you Chase. But I need to find my warriors first, and I won't stop until I find every one of them and then.... I am all yours."

"Chase?" Casey yelled out. "we're leaving now"
"Give me a second," he replied "ok, I've got some clothes here but they're going to be a bit big but they'll have to do." She was about to ask who the female clothes belong to, then he bend down to open the black bag.
"I've also got guns and daggers here, but Panthera can't shift with these weapons. Only a few weapons can transform with us. But we got our own weapons," he snapped his hand open and his claws extended from his finger tips. She recalled seeing the panthers fight. They were formidable fighters, fearless and ferocious.

Jayde changed into the pair of black pants that she had to tie the strings tight and roll up the ends and she ripped the bottom of the white feminine singlet with lace trimming, the shoes were too big and would have been a hindrances, so bare footed she was. Chase got out of his pants and put that firm, sexy ass into a pair of brown ramie cloth trunks with a dark grey tank top.
"Such a shame," she tsked, earning herself a slap on the backside. She bent down and ramaged through the bag grabbing a double shoulder holster, a set of short handled daggers and an odd set of Austrian glock 17s with two extra magazines. 68 shots. She placed the blades in their new homes on her body and held on to the guns she'd placed in the holster in her left hand.

Chase clasped her right hand, kissed it briefly and together they hurried out to the front to find Casey giving his sons a prep talk, Declan was checking over one of two dirt bikes, Tye and Kane were at the back of a large four door utility vehicle, Kane had a long rifle and was placing it in a long tin box.
The sun was setting to the west and the sounds of the night insects echoed around them as they came to a stand beside Casey.
"Alright, so we're headed to another farm house just outside of Geelong towards Stonehaven. A community twilight market has been attacked by demons but an elder Panthera and his mate were in the area along with his son, they have evacced all the survives. We need to move out before shit hits the fan, as Tye would say, " Casey said.
"Bullshit, I wouldn't have said that. I would've said, before shit fucking hits the mother fuckin' fan, " Tye intercepted before shredding his clothing down to his trunks, giving Jayde a wink, earning himself a snarl from Chase and transformed with a soft hum into an oversized Crow.

"Wow, "she gasped watching him fly up above them. Chase growled and pulled her towards Kane and the big black ute. Sam and Benj were dressed in leather pants, jackets and boots, and they both put helmets on, one black and silver to match the black and grey dirt bike and the other, black and red. They kick started the bikes and tore off up the driveway twin dust clouds bellowing behind them. Chase opened the rear drivers side door and Jayde climbed in. Declan opened the other door and she was wedged between the two panther shifters. Casey hopped in the front passenger seat and began making a call on his mobile. The bear shifter closed the drivers door and started the big black beastly vehicle.

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