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With his earphones in his ears Casey sat in the passengers seat of his subaru liberty, his brother was behind the wheel on the way to the Melbourne airport.
"Watch your speed," he told the highly agitated Chase. He sat with one hand one the steering wheel and the other rubbed at his forehead, the stress getting on top of him.

Casey hadn't told Chase that he had the conversation Tye was having with the shadow woman in his ears. He had wanted his closest friend to ask the warrior questions while on loud speaker, Casey had turned the speaker off on his end and had the volume down low in his ears knowing his brother's hearing was well above the ordinary. They had the radio on which would also help Casey's course of keeping his brother out of hearing range.

Tye asked the question Casey had wanted to know the answer for the most up front. Did she influence Chase's reaction to her, she had said she wasn't and she was clearly agrivated at the question. Casey didn't like that she had admitted to having mutual feelings for Chase and went on to say it was he who had enchanted her.

The revelation of her jade stone powers being foresight had stunned him, He thought that they all had silver stones at first, remembering the shadow guy with the silver on his wrist when they came to assist them during the attacks. Casey imagined how helpful her ability would be. In battle, in life.
He might have been able to save his lovely Sasha and his oldest son, Hunter, if he had had those abilities. Gods, the pang in his heart was painful, his hand lifted to his chest. Chase noticed and looked over at him from the drivers seat. Casey looked away.

Tye had asked her how long the Sinaeryns had come to the earth Realm and he wasn't surprised when she had confessed that the shadow warriors had been around for thousands of years or the news of the Gnalt and their possessions. He had seen the ash demons, with his own eyes, possessing innocents. It was his purpose to guard the orb that was hidden and transformed into a invisible doorway to the other realms. Panthera had been fighting the Ash demons and many others in the hopes to save the world and its occupiers.

The fury the female eluded when Tye asked about the shadow warriors that had fought against them was tangible even through the phone. She mentioned the name Syray, Casey recalled the big brute with the browny golden peepers and the twin short blades. He had injured the beautiful dark skinned warrior woman, had fought and won against Jayde and severely injured Chase with an ice shard.

On the other end of the phone Casey heard Tye freak out a little.
"Jeez lady, calm down. You're zapping all the energy from the room. Hey. Focus. Jayde, look at me". Casey heard him say. His closest friend always hid his feelings behind a sarcastic and jaded demeanour, but Casey knew he was rattled.
He could only imagine the Sinaeryn rising inside of the woman altering her appearance, The eery black smoke like markings would be undulating under her skin, shadows ghosting around her battlefield honed and toned physique. Hauntingly beautiful.

"When I called Kane's uncle, he was peeved that Kane hasn't called home for almost a year. I remember Kane telling me that he and his cousin Ricky had a major fall out over some girl. Just a heads up, we're probably going to hear all about it," Chase informed him as he turned the radio off. Great, he had to turn down the volume even further so Chase wouldn't hear. He wasn't trying to hide things from his brother, but he was trying to avoid another episode of the sickness Chase had dealt with or a case of the out of control rage effecting the Panthera that lurked under Chase's surface.

"We'll just deal with it and grab what we néed so we can get back as fast as possible."
"Agreed," Chase went back to rubbing his head.

Casey heard Tye relocate the phone creating a muffled effect. There was a lot of rustling but he vaguely her Jayde say "I have seen you."
"Oh yeah?" Declan replied.
"Yes. I've seen you holding the belly of a pregnant lady with lovely, long red hair. I remember your tattooed hands above her bump," a small pause and then Jayde added, "Maybe that's to come".
"Not sure". A loud bonk sounded. "Ouch" the female hissed out right before Tye's muffled voice said,
"Oh shit, sorry warrior."

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