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His Panthera had heard her screams of agony mid stride as he ran in his animal form miles away from his house. He slid to a stop, roared out his frustration at himself. He should never have left. He knew this wasn't going to be easy for her.
He just knew it.
But the emotional cyclone ripping through him at the intense need to complete the bond with the shadow beauty and the knowledge that he couldn't for so many reasons ate at his friggen mind. Combined with his beast rearing its ugly head, made him feel as though his control of it was slipping through his fingers, just as fast as Jayde was.

The screaming intensified the closer he got to her and he could hear Tye yelling at her to calm, to breath and his brother was there helping Tye, with his woman. His true mate.
His beast allowed him control when the back of his house came into view and his paws changed into his bare feet as he sprinted for the side door.

Abruptly the screaming stopped.
The power radiating from the house was astronomical, it tingled over his skin, under his skin through to his Panthera. His beast shivered inside of him. He walked down to the laundry and shoved his legs into his grey track pants from the dryer, then stalked his way to his living room. Kane's beefy laugh came booming out.
"Now I see what he's been talking about," the big bear was saying.
"You're on our side right?"

"I know she's on uncle Chase's side", Sam added, the cheeky bugger. His nephew blushed when he spotted Chase coming in. He tapped Sam's shoulder to let him know there was no hard feelings and he stepped into the room.

The Sinaeryn was absolutely gorgeous in his black t-shirt hanging down to her knees, her dark hair messy and wavy. She positively glowed with her jade stone seated on her wrist and those alluring jade green eyes were huge with her elation. She was looking down at the painting he did of her when he had dreamt of her one night about a month ago. She was always starring in his dreams, for years upon years now. That painting was one of many he'd done of his dark Beauty.
"I'm coming back for that." Jayde pointed at the painting
"Don't leave, not yet." the words just came out. He would beg her until he bled for just one more night with her.  "Jayde. Stay another night. Besides we need to get some clothes, shoes and weapons ready for your journey, " Chase strode forward but not directly in her direction. He didn't want to smother her or make her want to bolt.

He picked up the wooden bowl from the floor and put it back on the desk.
"We can get her the things in no time at all, brother. She can leave once we... - "
Chase cut Casey off with a glare he hoped burned into the middle of his fat alpha head.
"One more night Jayde. You just got your powers back. Train. Practice. Practice on me, if you need to," he closed the distance and took a hand covered in beautiful smoky black markings. His chest ached when the jade green eyes that had haunted him whenever he closed his eyes, slowly looked up at him beseeching him for all the reasons she would put off her mission to find her fellow warriors and stay with him for a moment longer.
But gods knew he was selfish when it come to her. And he'd steal every minute he could wringe out.

"One more night and I will let you go without a fight," he whispered. An emotional storm rolled through him, his heartbeat surged in echo of Jayde's.
"Holy shit," Kane gasped. "He's gone completely bloody mad, yeah?"
"Totally," Sam agreed with the bear.
"Out," the alpha commanded.

Chase vaguely heard his family and friends shuffle out of the room but all his attention was locked on his dark beauty.
"I...." she stepped into him, her hand tracing the bonded markings she'd left on him, some how without completing the bond. That was definitely a first he'd heard of that happening. Warm tingles raced over him chasing her touch and his heart began to thud in the same slow beat to hers.
"I don't know Chase, I... My warriors are out there. What would you do huh, I know you'd want to put your family before someone you barely know."
"God's Jayde, just let yourself heal and get reacquainted with your stone," he ran his fingers over the jade and watched her tilt her chin up in a sigh. He did it again, the reaction stronger this time, her quiet moan ricocheting through him. His arms encased her but his warrior had other plans, she pulled his head down to hers and kissed him deeply.

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