As The World Caves In

Start from the beginning

He tried to move but shackles of water had anchored him to the ground. He couldn't understand. He didn't believe anything anyone had told him. That she had left Fairy Tail and abandoned her family. Abandon him.

The dark guild she had been saved from was rumored to be taking her back. She said nothing of this and only left him with a note of goodbye and to never come looking for her. She told him she never loved him, that it was all a ruse to get close to Fairy Tail.

Erza shouted and Natsu almost burned the town from anger. Even Lucy had wept tears but he stared at her handwriting knowing that it couldn't be true.

Juvia's face remained emotionless as she watched Gray fall to his knees. His fists gripping into the earth as he screamed her name again. More tears graced her face as she took steps forward until she was standing in front of him.

"Juvia-please." His voice broke as she stared down at him.

Her heart ached as the rain become frigid and her body felt numb. Her eyes met with the dark ones of Gray's. The ones who she had loved since the moment she had met him. The ones that stared at her with adoration even when she wasn't looking.

She wanted to grab him and hold him tight. Tell him that she was sorry and it wasn't true. That she could still be the woman he loved. What a blissful lie she wished she could offer him.

But she couldn't. Slowly like an icicle melting just as spring arrived, her heart was breaking. Everything she had ever loved would collapse and the rain would consume her once again, only this time she knew the sky could never return.

The rainbows she had become enchanted by would become a distant memory as she would force her heart into its own water lock. For days she stared at the sky and tried to commit it to her memory. She wanted to feel the sun on her skin before it was taken and evaporated from her world.

Betrayal and heartbreak was clear on Gray's face as he tried to freeze the shackles off of him but they refused to budge. Her magic was some of the strongest and he knew that when it went into a locked form, there was no use in getting them undone. He tried to stand but she added more on his back legs and let out a sob as she raised her hands.

"Gray, please. Just stop." She pleaded.

His gritted his teeth down until it hurt. "Not until you tell me what the hell you're doing! Take these damn shackles off!" He commanded and thrashed once more at the cyan chains.

Watching him try and break free, try to get to her after what she had said. Her heart was pounding. She didn't deserve him. Didn't deserve the blind trust he had for her.

She couldn't take it and fell to the ground. She let out a cursed scream and the rain dove down harder like daggers. She heard Gray hiss in pain and looked to see that some of the droplets had cut his skin, decorating his chest in a few drops of blood.

"No!" She cried and placed her hands on his chest to try and heal him.

Gray forced a hand above his head. "Ice make shield!" He yelled and a thick shield in the shape of a snowflake loomed above them. The thick drops of rain cascaded down and repelled off his magic.

His hand came down to caress her cheek as she sobbed. His voice soften and he could see the inner war flashing across her face. "Juvia. My love." He whispered. "Please. You said you didn't love me, but that's not true. Whatever is happening-I can't live with that lie. Not when I just earned your heart."

She shook her head and wept. "They said-they said they would kill Gray-sama if Juvia didn't come back."


Of Water and Ice: A Collection of Gruvia OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now