Chapter 2

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Walking into class I wasn’t sure what to expect. I guess I never thought of being the only guy in my class. What’s the worst that can happen?

"He's hot!"

"Why didn't we let guys in sooner?"

I grinned, maybe this was gonna be better than any dream I’ve ever had. 

“'Sup! My name's Takashi Matsuno! Thanks for having me here!" 

After my short introduction the teacher showed me where I would be sitting. “Right over next to Honoka.” she nodded.

I walked over to the person I assumed was Honoka, “This seat taken?” 

The orange haired girl’s eyes lit up, “Hi! I’m Honoka and this is Umi and Kotori!” she motioned to the other two girls next to her.

I paused. One of those names sounds oddly familiar. 

"Hey since we're gonna be together for the year please take care of me." I bowed.

"Interesting, he has manners, good to see your parents raised you well." Umi complimented me as I winced.

"My parents died when I was little, so I'm not sure I got it from them." I scratched my head.

Umi looked at me in horror, "I'm so sorry… why did I even bring that up? I'm such an idiot."

"Hey, hey it's not your fault. How could you have possibly known?" I comforted her.

"B-b-but I feel really bad." 

"Then how about you give me answers to some homework." I winked, "You seem smart. Or you could bail me out if I get in trouble." 

The teacher shook her head at the class unimpressed that we were all talking, “Settle down. I know that we’re all not too thrilled that you have to be juniors once again, but maybe this is a chance to improve your grades.” She stared down Honoka.

We did a few first day activities such as assigning books and handing out the syllabus. After that we were all supposed to go and find a club we wanted to join.

As soon as I stepped outside of the classroom there were people my age and above trying to recruit all the new people. 

“Join the choir club!”

“We need a guy like you for the tennis club!”

“If acting is your passion then the drama club is the place to be!”

I stumbled around receiving fliers from most of the groups. Walking around the school I saw Honoka and the others walking into a room. 

“Hey, what club are you all in-” I said, opening the door. I was greeted with a site I don’t believe I will get out of my head. There were nine of them, all were changing into miniskirts and some were… well.


I quickly shut the door as fast as I could. Then turned around and ran as far away as possible. I know what you all may be thinking, why didn’t I knock? It wasn’t my fault that they were changing in a freaking classroom!

Who were those people anyways? I mean besides Honoka, Kotori, and Umi.

It doesn't matter. As long as they didn't recognize it was me, then we're in the clear.

Kotori's POV 

Takashi-san? Was that him?

"That pervert!" Maki yelled angrily.

"He could've at least knocked!" Hanayo echoed.

"Did you guys see what he looked like?" Umi asked, ready to report.

"He was pretty tall, had black hair, dark brown eyes, since there's only nine I bet we could recognize him if we saw him again." Eli said thoughtfully.

"Hey wait a second." Honoka paused, "We have a guy in our class that has black hair, dark brown eyes, and he's definitely tall."

"B-but he probably didn't mean any harm!" I mentioned, "He didn't know this was our changing room!" 

"While that may be true, if it is him we'll still have to confront him." Umi said, "We can't go on acting like it never happened."

"Well we also can't accuse him without seeing all the guys in our school first." Nozomi stated wisely, she too was a bit of a pervert herself so maybe she had a soft spot for things like this.

We all split up trying to look for the guy that matched the description. I really hope it wasn't him. He seems like a nice guy, I feel like I've met him somewhere.

"Come on Umi-chan can't we let it slide?" Honoka begged.

"Yeah!" I agreed, "I'm sure he was a good kid. You did promise that you'd bail him out of trouble."

"Let's just first ask him, maybe it wasn't him." Umi calmed us down.

We searched the halls until we found him sitting at his desk. There may or may not have been a hint of terror on his face.

"H-h-hey…" he waved.

"Takashi-san you didn't do it did you?" Honoka looked at him with puppy eyes.

He avoided eye contact, "I-I have no idea what you're talking about." He replied guiltily.

"You didn't see anything did you?" I asked.

He shook his head but his face was telling a different story.

"I can't get married now!" The three of us cried.

"Look I'm sorry I'm the reason you can't get married. Is there something to do to make it up?"

We all looked at him. Accidents happen and unfortunately for us, this was only the beginning of accidents, for example…

"You have to be our manager!"


Yo! This is chapter 2, hopefully you all enjoyed it!

Anyways I'm gonna go sleep now have a good day!

Be safe! Mask up! Don't be stupid!

-Kazuya (just cause you have the vaccine doesn't mean you shouldn't mask up still)

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