Silver Lining

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Ailduin managed a hundred more winged-mounts to their little army.

Natasha had awoken and recovered from her burns.

Fredrick was grateful to see Natasha walking around, the huge man wouldn't leave her side for a second while she walked around the camp.

Eiriell hugged Natasha tightly when the woman was able to walk around.

She couldn't thank Natasha enough for giving it her all to protect what was left standing of the Werenluna near the Narrows.

Phoenix and Fredrick smiled at the sight.

It was a silver lining.

Because Theoden did not recover from his burns.

The healers estimated that he wouldn't have much longer on this mortal plane.

So, his friends gathered around him, all exchanging gentle words with the elven man that still slept in his deep slumber. He had never awakened since they recovered him.

Eiriell, running a hand affectionately through his silky hair.

Ryosuke, murmuring a thank you for the elven man for staying back and trying to contain the cursed fires.

Phoenix closing her eyes at the sight of an old friend on his death bed.

Fredrick was in tears while he held on to Theoden's hand.

Natasha whispering a thank you for rescuing her from the licks of the cursed flame, she pressed a gentle kiss to his temple.

"It's okay..." Theoden simply said, his eyes still closed.

The room stilled, waiting with bated breath for another word to fall from Theoden's pale lips.

Instead, the steady rise and fall of his chest slowed to a halt.

"Enjoy the Heavens with Quicksilver, you've both earned it." Phoenix whispered.

The words carried on through the confines of the earth. The gentle whisper floating high past the cosmos and to the boundaries of the Great Beyond. Within the Heavens stood an elven man alongside his gryphon friend. The plains and paradise of the Great Beyond before him while his eyes went wide in wonder.

Before he stepped forward, the whispered words of his beloved friends reached his ears.

Theoden turn around, his eyes looking down for his loved ones gathered around his worldly body.

"I will, Nix." Theoden smiled tenderly, his eyes searching now for one more person on Aldernad.

He wanted to see him one last time before he soared into the Heavens, just once more so that his heart could be at peace.

"It's hard to find something that isn't there." A familiar voice called out to him.

Theoden paused, slowly, he turned to source of the sound.

Quicksilver preened at him, a figure right below him.

Arthur Williams smiled lovingly at him from the Gates of the Great Beyond. 

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