Brilux Royal Institution

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"Is it true mama, that elves and beastmen will be a part of the classes this year at the Institution." Orion looked over excitedly at his mother.

Valyria leaned over to set her youngest son's plate down, "It is." She smiled brightly at her son.

Phoenix came down stairs, her bags were packed with several things that she would need at the Institution. Something about building camaraderie and trying to lessen the gap between noble students and their commonfolk counterparts.

"Are you sure I have to move in so soon? Arthur isn't going to get his stuff in until the end of the week." Phoenix let out a huff.

Valyria smiled, "Nonsense, the sooner you get this done, the sooner you can come visit." She ruffled Phoenix's short dark hair which caused her daughter to roll her eyes at the motion.

"And I'm supposed to have a roommate?" Phoenix groaned and sat down at the table, "What if it's some noble brat?" She fixed her breakfast plate.

Valyria leaned over and kissed Phoenix's hair, "That's the point, Nix. Brilux Royal Institution is supposed to be about merit."

"Then why give some of the noble kids a free pass then for the entrance exams?" Phoenix shot back.

Valyria responded with a huff and rolled her eyes, "You're too smart for your own good."

"Who do you think she gets it from?" Wren walked in, slightly sweaty from chopping wood that morning. "Got everything, Nix?" He sat down next to his eldest.

"I think I do, if not, then I'll come by this weekend to pick it up." Phoenix sighed.

Wren took a cup of water from his wife gratefully, "It'll be fun, one of the best things about being the Palace Guard was being able to live together with everyone. Those were some fun times."

"Which I'm well aware of." Valyria gave a pointed look to Wren, "You were a rowdy bunch down in the quarters."

"I remember some of the mages joining in on the fun too." Wren raised a brow at his wife of many years.

"Yeah, yeah." Phoenix ate her breakfast some more.

"Did you not get your uniform?" Wren looked Phoenix over.

"I did, but I didn't want to get it all dirty and sweaty before the assembly this morning and then classes." Phoenix scarfed down the rest of her food, "Speaking of, I need to go soon so that I can drop off my bags and change."

"I'll see you at the assembly then." Valyria waved off after her daughter.

Wren watched his eldest dart out the door with her bag slung over her shoulder, "Is Nix in any of your classes?"

Valyria shook her head, "No, I talked to Olena already and we decided it would be in everyone's best interest for Nix to have a different professor. But I do have a rather interesting group of students this academic year. Arthur and Natasha are some of them."

"Just some?" Wren looked at Valyria's teasing blue eyes.

"Olena thought it would be funny to put..."

Phoenix looked up at the great Brilux Royal Institution which towered above her. Cut and built from the same grey smooth stone and white beech trees of the nearby forest. Stone columns and arches made up the face of the three-story building. The wings off to the sides were supposed to be the dormitories, the back of the Institution was a garden area for the students to eat, congregate, and study while not in class. There was a beautiful view of the ocean from the back there.

Phoenix took a path over to the dormitory off to the right, her mother had showed Phoenix where her quarters would be during the academic year. Phoenix's room was on the third floor, but her mother had managed to get her a room with a wonderful view of the ocean.

Of Ashes and WindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora