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She heard what he said. Kieara had heard it too from the way her face screwed tight with tears at the corner of her eyes.

Eiriell Elatoris did the one thing she knew that would calm her thrashing heart.

Kieara hugged Eiriell tightly, both women letting out a hard shudder until the flap of wings came within earshot.

"We'll be there too." Kieara motioned to the window that was big enough to step through.

Eiriell nodded, "Thank you." She said before slipping out the stone bannister and on to Liona.

She had no fear of falling from the high edge, having complete faith that Liona wouldn't let her. There was no harness on her gryphon, no doubt Folmer would be confused in the morning with Liona missing and her harness still in the stables. The great beast surged onwards, a familiar shadow coming from the bright night sky.

From Ryosuke's window, two figures jumped on to the dragon's back, the two climbing to her.

Eiriell didn't wait and urged Liona higher.

It was like a dance, the dragon and gryphon flying in tandem through the calm winds of the night. Brilux was but a light in the peaceful dark beneath them while they soared. Trying to erase the pompous words from their ears with the rush of the wind.

Eiriell didn't know how long they glided along until she realized they were much lower and along the sandy shores and beaches.

She saw Kieara point to the ground, Ryosuke nodded and looked over to Eiriell.

The two beasts ascended, a familiar patch of land coming into view.

Archion swooped low enough for Ryosuke and Kieara to jump down in the yard while Liona was able to land gracefully. The red dragon glided down to the nearby beach, the great scaled beast curling up to rest. Eiriell laughed when a small creature scurried away from the dragon while he rested.

It wasn't terribly late in the night, but Eiriell still felt bad.

The three showed up unannounced to this residence.

"Kieara!" Orion Stroud, a boy of fifteen summers came scurrying out of the home. Try as they might to be quiet, they could only manage so much with a dragon and a gryphon that easily towered over the mounts of Brilux's Gryphon Squadron.

"Ori!" Kieara wrapped her arms around Orion, "You're so tall now." She regarded.

Orion smiled, "I might be taller than my father one day soon." His blue gaze regarded Ryosuke.

And then locked eyes with Eiriell's.

The Elven Princess smiled tenderly.

It made her heart clench to see how much Orion's eyes looked like his sister's.

"Ori, it's a bit late for company, don't you think?" Wren Stroud came strolling out, still dressed in day clothes. He paused when he saw the three. "To what do I owe the honor of having royalty here?" He smiled warmly and regarded them, "Kieara, how have you been?"

The blond smiled and stepped to the man, the two shared an easy embrace, "Great, Dolan has been wonderful."

Wren looked between Ryosuke and Kieara, "I'm happy to hear." He then looked to Eiriell.

"I don't think we ever properly met," He extended his hand, "Wren Stroud."

"Eiriell." She noticed how much Phoenix took after her father with his dark hair, "But Eiri is fine."

Ryosuke raised a brow, "But you won't let me call you that?" He teased.

Eiriell responded with a roll of her eyes to the Beastman.

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