Costa grinned with a roll of her eyes, tucking her phone into her jacket pocket and turning back toward the window. The train was busy, every single seat filled with people heading to work, school, running errands, etc. Bakugou managed to snag a seat after standing for a couple of stops, just for the seat beside him to open up soon after. He nearly pounced at Costa when she happily plopped into that seat without paying him any heed.

Now he'd been stuck sitting next to her for the past hour, complete silence between them besides the bustling noise of the morning train. Costa checked the time for the hundredth time that ride before sighing in disappointment. Bakugou's eyes flickered over to her for just a moment. She had her elbow on the armrest, propping up her fist which she used as a pillow for the right side of her face. Her platinum curls draped over her arm as she leaned into her knuckles, eyes heavy-lidded and staring off into space.

Her legs were crossed, her skirt showing off the tan smoothness of her thighs and calves. She wore white sneakers with white socks that rolled up past her ankles, looking extra bright against the contrast of her mocha-colored skin. Her pink lips pursed, her eyebrows crinkling slightly as if she was in deep thought when her golden orbs suddenly met his.

He froze, caught watching her. She stared back at him for a second, simply blinking before that insufferable smirk grew on her lips, "If you want an autograph you can just ask, you know."

He let out a 'tch' sound and whipped his head in the opposite direction of her, "I'm jealous of the people who haven't met you."

"Is that so?" her smirk didn't falter as she uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, "Cause I know there are many boys out there who'd beg to know me." His jaw clenched as her words rolled off her tongue, smooth like butter, sweet like candy. He kept his head turned the other way, not wishing to know what she looked like when she said it. "God, you're so annoying," he grumbled.

"Only when you're around to provoke me."

"Ugh, you fucking annoy me by breathing," he finally turned to send her a nasty glare to which she simply grinned at. He wanted to snap at her for it. "So my existence affects you that much?" she asked, tilting her head to the side a bit to give him a teasing look.

He wished the train would stop so he could just walk out.

"Is your ass jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth?" he said with a deadly glare that made even Costa shiver. She sat back in her chair with a hum, unbothered by his clever comebacks and all too amused by them at the same time, "Perhaps. Are you jealous too?"

His eyes widened briefly, picking up on that flirty tone of hers. Why was she flirting with him? Why now of all times? It made him even angrier than having her treat him maliciously. He felt it was rather patronizing than flattering.

"What-" he whipped his head around and stared right into her mischievous golden eyes, "Go to hell."

"You first."

This was going so well.

Bakugou grumbled angrily, sitting back in his seat and leaning as far away from her as possible. Costa rolled her eyes at the action, resting her chin back on her knuckles as the train continued its trek to Esuha city. She was anxious for the last bit of travel they had to get through, hoping it wouldn't be nearly as tense as it was now.

The Wildcard - Katsuki BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now