29. Kitchen mess-A

Start from the beginning

Dear Ishika, You have turned a fibster and if you continue this habit...then that day is not far when your own tongue starts cursing you. Bad Ishika Mishra. Very very bad. 

 If he had seen my face he would have noticed that unconfident expression dominating on my face than the assuring one. "By the way, What are you blending?" I asked to gain the courage or could say to divert the topic.

"Oh, this blend is of butter, crushed garlic, black pepper, and chopped coriander for garlic bread."

"You are making garlic bread." He nodded. "That's all!" I asked happily. 

"No!" My smile dropped. "Garlic bread and vegetable soup for Adi and Chaya. Bread toast and scrambled eggs for Anu with tea. Bread toast and half-fry for Vansh along with black coffee. Porridge for Granny and Ananya." I gulped a mouthful of saliva. No...that saliva was not because of my exciting taste buds it was because of my anxiety. "By the way, I forgot to ask. What would you like to have?" This time he shifted his gaze from garlic bread blending mixture to my face. Soon I exchanged my anxiety or nervousness with a big smile something I can call that as a manful one that comes only in difficult situations.

"I..!" I was staring at that blending bowl, mincing the inner part of my lips in anticipation. Then I saw the bowls of different color capsicums, tomatoes, onions. Two liquids were getting boiled in different steel pots, one water, and the other milk on the Stove. "What you will have, I will have the same."

"That's not possible, my love." He replied huskily, his expressions turned ironic and playful. He put down the silicone spatula and turned to my side, standing very close. Leaving no space for air between us. 

"W-why, why can't I h-have?" I asked, my tongue trembled. I gulped another mouthful of saliva.

"Because," he loomed over me mumbling against my lips, "I am having your lips in breakfast!" Saying he crashed his lips against mine.


"Shanu!" We both heeded towards the source of the disturbance. As expected, Dr. Adi stood in front of us with a mobile clammed in his one hand and mouth agape. "Oops! I will come later!"

He was late, cause, with exasperation roasting, Dr. Ishaan grabbed the kitchen knife, and taking forward steps chased Dr. Adi,  watching that his legs moved to take back steps.

"Rhino, Hippo, elephanty, buffalo, pig!" Muttering curses Dr. Ishaan hunted his prey. 

"God promise. My life promise. My soul promise. My oxygen promise. My blood promise. This time. I had no intentions to interrupt you both...it's your mobile beeped with someone's message. And yeah...yeah I didn't even check whose message it was. I thought...I thought." Dr. Ishaan approached him as there was no space Dr. Adi glued his body against the wall.  "Run Aditya. Run..." encouraging himself, pushing away Dr. Ishaan he ran out of the kitchen for his life.

"Ishika, low both stove flames, I will be back in a minute." Dr. Ishaan barked before casing him.

What? Wait! How? 

I inspected and examined that weird stove. Okay. I got it. It had four pan supporters and four control knobs. Great. But the first question, where should I tilt the knob? 

I took my fingers to the first knob...All knobs have a small white arrow at the tip, of which the first and the third are directing to the top and the second and the fourth to the bottom. 

The second question, which knob controls which pan supporter? I was facing the greatest confusion of my life at that moment. 

Shit! At least. At least, when I was a kid...I should have played a kitchen-kitchen game with my dolls rather than a doctor-patient game.

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