(Ginny x Sly!Fem!Reader) Bully

Start from the beginning


My first time in detention for months, and it's not even my fault. Seriously, what was that?

It was like her first time seeing me- as if every other time she tried picking on me, I was just a doll, literally a punching bag, and I don't know how to feel about that.

Better? Because then I'll have a chance? Is she even gay?

I've come early, even before professor to get it over with. I give him a quiet greeting, and as we wait, he marks some papers.

Finally, my brother and his friends come in along with their "rivals" and Ginny. She's probably part of the "rivalling" group as well by association. Dray looks surprised to see me but doesn't question it. He probably thinks I started a fight and would be very proud, and lucky for him, I'm a large disappointment. Older Weasley doesn't look too happy though.

"Ginny? What're you doing here?"

She rolls her eyes and shrugs, putting her legs up on the side of the chair. I cross mine. Unfortunately for me, professor answers for her.

"She was bullying Y/n," he says, mentioning my first name for clarity, I assume.

Dray shoots a glare at me, and the older Weasley chooses to argue.

"Are you sure? If anything, the Malfoy must be the one throwing out the insults first or at least, starting it."

"Ron," Ginny mutters as if for my sake.


He looks giddy. Yeah that's not a nice feeling.

"Please," Professor Filch says, and they become silent.

Ginny's face seems to grow with guilt, and I just feel embarrassed. I must be the most cowardly Malfoy in history.

Professor goes on to lecture the others, and as if fate, for once, chooses my side, it goes on without any mentions of the liquid from my eyes or eye sacks, technically. Then, he tells Ginny to apologise, and I forgive her, and we live happily ever after for a few minutes which are before Draco pulls me aside to ask what happened. He looks both ashamed and worried.

"It was nothing."

"You wouldn't be here if it wasn't nothing."

"It's not the first time, and anyway, I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself."

"Not the first time?" he asks, enunciating every word. "How long has this been going on?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter. I promise."

"You don't know? It's been going on for so long that you don't know?"

I sigh. I seem to keep picking the wrong words. It's like mum's with us here at school. He tries to act like dad, but he's most definitely mum.

"It's not anything."

"Again, if it wasn't anything, you wouldn't be here. Salazar! We're always here in the same campus for how long. Y/n, are you fine?"

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