Everything is Quiet(The Silence is Loud)

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Izuku Midoriya comes back from suspension week. A rumor has spread about him, does it change everyone's view on him?

Mom: We're going to the beach on Sunday

Me: We literally came back from a 3-day mini vaca where we also went to the beach last week

Also me: My brother got sick so we ain't going or else he gets fever so we're going to my aunt's house for barbecue but turns out we can't go there either


(3rd POV)

It is finally time to come back to school for Izuku, and he's been dreading that the day has come. You can't blame him, everybody in the school didn't care about him and most of them harm him mentally and physically. So when he entered the classroom, he expected everyone to start calling him names and throwing things at him. But instead, he was met with complete silence from everyone. They just look away from him and kept quiet like the slightest movement or sound can cause something bad.

Everyone except Bakugou of course, he was dead straight glaring at him. Izuku just quickly went to his seat and waited for class to start. When the teacher came in and started calling out attendance, she spat his name out with more disgust than usual. When lessons started, the teacher didn't even try to call on him. When recess came, everyone stayed away from him as far as possible.

It was all quiet for Izuku, and it was comfortable until Bakugou stepped in. Bakugou is right in front of him all of a sudden wearing a scowl on his face.

"How did you do it?", Bakugou said in an angered voice.

"...What?", Izuku hesitantly asked.

"HOW DID YOU BURN ME DUMBASS", Bakugou yelled.

"I-I don't know K-Kacchan", Izuku lied. Bakugou didn't seem to be satisfied with the answer, so he raised his fist to hit him. But a distorted high and deep pitch voice stopped him.

"W̶͉͒h̷̹͋â̴̤t̵̩̋ ̴̰̇d̷͖̄o̸̖̽ ̴͓̒ý̴̳ȏ̴̫ü̸͚ ̸͙͠ẗ̴͖́h̴̬͐ỉ̵̺n̶̝̽k̷͕̕ ̸̘͠y̷̹͌o̴͎͆ṵ̷́r̸̪̕ ̵̬̌d̸̮͆ǒ̴͍ḯ̸̻n̸͜͝g̸̘̐?̶̟͗", asked a shadow now looming over both of them. Izuku knows it's Fall but kept quiet. Bakugou on the other hand doesn't know Fall and assumes it's a villain.

"STAY AWAY VILLAIN OR I'LL BLOW YOUR ASS UP", Bakugou yelled while trying to not show his fear of her.

"V̵͖̓i̴͚̍l̷̛̫l̴̞͌ǎ̵̭i̴̩͘n̵̢̈́?̸̭̄ ̴̹̚S̴̪͆í̴͇ň̵̹n̴̢̉ȩ̶̈́r̸͉̀,̵̧̇ ̷̦̿I̸̖͛ ̴̧̋a̷͚͠m̶̫̓ ̵̺͐n̷̩̆ơ̶͉ ̴͕̇ṿ̷͂ỉ̷̞l̷͕͒l̷̫̚a̷̼̿i̷͈̇ṇ̴̍ ̶̥͑b̸̝̀u̵̫̍ţ̵͝ ̸̘̔š̸͙o̵̦͝m̴̡̈́e̴̱͗ṱ̵̍ẖ̶͝i̶̺͋n̸̲͆g̷̲̍ ̶̘͊ṯ̸͂o̷̦̎ ̶̧̐b̷̗̑e̴̺̔ ̶̭͋f̸̦́ë̷̠å̸̬r̶̳̕e̷̲͆d̸͙́", Fall said trying not to hit him. Fall didn't know what the heck was this kid's problem but didn't want to kill him cause he is still a child. Bakugou was now terrified of her and it shows on his face. Fall uses an aura to make him fear her(as he should). Bakugou ended up turning around and running as fast as he could.

No one was around so there were no witnesses, and it was really quiet. The silence wasn't comfortable anymore.


Izuku found out that a rumor was spread about him by Bakugou's 'friends'. They all thought that he was dangerous, a demon, a monster. They thought that if you do anything to him, he would hurt you. They all believed it since Bakugou's burn was proof. Though it wasn't Izuku who hurt Bakugou, no one knew that.

Those who brave or stupid enough to mess with Izuku would get nightmares in their sleep and would have the same wounds and injuries they have made on Izuku(Fall transferred the injuries). An example of this was when a group of upper graders wrote insults and names on his desk and ended up having nightmares for a week. The upper graders stopped this and went to apologize to Izuku. The one time Fall ever did something more than this was when his teacher tried to frame him for causing property damage and yelled at him during class. The teacher ended up reported missing by her neighbor.

The cycle repeated repeatedly, and Izuku became used to the fear towards him, but it was never comfortable. He was still called useless Deku but a few things added on like villain, demon, monster, and more insults than he can count. He hated it but Fall always comforted him about it so it was fine. But he knows that it wasn't fine, it never was. But he ignored anyway and stayed cheerful and bright

Izuku wasn't blind, he knows that Fall can be mean and scary to people she didn't like. He started to notice the hate in her eyes when talking or looking at certain heroes, he doesn't question it. He knows that Fall is the one hurting his classmates and made his teacher go missing, he doesn't get mad at the action. He knows that Fall can be more violent than just giving nightmares, he's not afraid of her. After all, Fall cares about him, Fall is his best friend.


It's his first year of middle school and everything was hell. Classmates were much crueler than elementary and teachers were more neglectful. It was like that for a month, name-calling, being blamed on, the new normal, and it was too loud. Until Fall had enough of the treatment given towards him when they started to physically hurt him. She gave everyone nightmares, injuries, and bad luck.

Students who knew the rumors during elementary started to spread the rumors. It went back to the same treatment from elementary. The fearful looks, the avoiding, the whispering, the silence. Bakugou was the one who didn't ignore him, he gave name-calling, a little shoulder shove, some glaring, but never anything physical. He still renumbers what happened the last time he tried to hurt him physically.

It was like that till the last year of middle school.

(Fall's POV)

The young mortals who pick on Izuku are idiots. They don't know when to back off. The treatment towards him was always on and off. The bullying always ceases when I step in and do something about it. It was loud till it became silent. Yes, the silence is loud.


I am tired, nothing new. Have some quotes I made up.


Inko: Let me see what you have

8-year-old Izuku: *running* A knife

Inko: NO-


Izuku: What's worse than a villain *takes off the paper to reveal villain Kacchan* boom

Fall: Bakugou

Izuku: NO-

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