Normal Day(Yet Not Normal At All)

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Slice of My Life Shorts

My little brother Lawrence: What happens if I didn't exist

Me: Why are you asking?

My little brother Lawrence: Because I thought the same thing if dinos were still alive

Me: Then humans wouldn't exist

My little brother Lawrence: So I would be a dino?!

Midoriya meets Aizawa in the hospital when waiting for his mom, Fall is ready to kill All Might, and Bakugou is properly introduced to Fall. All in all, normal chapter today.

Inspiration is coming slow so please be patient for updates.


(3rd POV)

Today is a Thursday afternoon and the day is finally here, Midoriya is discharged from the hospital. He is no longer malnourished and dehydrated and is ready to be sent back home. Midoriya and Fall are currently at the front desk, waiting for Midoriya-san to pick them up since she has a shift. They are both talking to each other about quirks and heroes. Of course, it's a mental conversation instead of a verbal one.

They both heard sat two seats away from the right, Midoriya glances and sees a tired-looking man in black clothing and with a scarf.

'Wait a minute....THAT'S ERASERHEAD', Midoriya thought as he starts to fanboy. Fall on the other hand, was calm and collected. She remembered what Midoriya told her about the underground hero and just by looking at his aura, she could tell that he's a good person. They both wanted to do something else so they both take part in an activity. Midoriya grabs a pencil and notebook from his bag beside him and they both start to draw little doodles on the page.

(Shouta Aizawa's POV)

I start hearing some muttering from the kid near me so I look what was it about. The kid had green hair and eyes, he has freckles and is wearing a hospital gown.

'Huh, what's a hospital patient doing here?' I take a look at a page of the notebook he was writing down on and I tense up for a moment. The kid was drawing doodles in his notebook but other doodles started to draw themselves.

'Maybe it's part of his quirk.'

"Hey kid", I spoke to him. He stopped doodling and the self-drawn doodle stopped being drawn as well.

'So it is his quirk then.'

"Y-yes?", the green kid stuttered.

"Aren't you supposed to be in your hospital room?", I asked curiously. The kid looked confused and then looked like he just realizes something.

"A-ah, no, I just got discharged today and I'm waiting for my mom to pick me up when her shift is over", the kid says.

"Then why are you wearing a hospital gown, shouldn't you have your clothes on?", I asked confused about the situation.

"N-no, my clothes were just my gakuran and it got ruined because of the blood", the kid says as saying that was normal. I started to get a bit suspicious at the mention of blood.

"Didn't they clean up the blood though?", I asked. The kid just stares at me and then asks me something the caught me off guard.

"I-I rather n-not talk about it", the kid says in a nervous tone. "What are you here for?", the kid tries to change the subject.

"My husband got into a situation with a kid getting their quirk coming in, what's your name? I can't just keep calling you kid inside my head", I ask.

My "Imaginary" FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora