𝑊𝑎𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑎 𝑗𝑜𝑘𝑒?✨

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The next morning in the house was silent as Wooyoung cooked breakfast alone.

Hongjoong walked into the kitchen and looked around, "She didn't come home last night?"

"She was here this morning actually. Our bags are packed for school and her stuff is gone so she must've taken it with her," Yeosang said as he moved around the kitchen, for once not in an blurry speed.

Jongho placed his plate in the sink, "Wooyoung and I will see her today so she can't avoid us seeing as she has classes with us."

"Hongjoong and I are teaching classes at the high school today," Seongwha tapped his fork against his plate, "Yay."

"Where's Mingi and San?" Wooyoung asked as he noticed both boys voices lacking in the conversation.

Yeosang smirked, "They both left. San has been gone since last night and Mingi left early for school."

"Sounds about right. Hey, Hongjoong did you see that post about the new 'Power Couple'?"

"Why would I care about that, Jongho?"

The young boy laughed as he showed him the article that made his eyes widen, "What the hell is this? Oh this gets worse and worse."

"It gets even better. I think I found where San went last night and looks like Sorn showed everyone how comfortable you like to get in her bed?" Jongho shook his head, "Hyung, Hyung." He waved his finger.

Hongjoong glared at the younger as he angrily walked towards him but Seongwha stopped him, "You can't get angry when you did this to yourself? You started it knowing what kind of person Sorn is."

Wooyoung shook his head, "I'm going to school before I catch Hyung's idiot germs."


"Was that a joke?"

"What? It doesn't sound realistic, I think it would be fun if we joined something together."

New's eyes widened, "Wait I have to do it to?" Yeji just nodded at her friend, "One for all and all for one."

"Don't quote mortals, it's really not going to get you anywhere," New sighed and Asia pouted, "I mean if we were to join something then what would it be?"

Euphrasia watched as her friend opened the school's website to look for something and she prayed because all of the boys did extracurricular activities and her chances of seeing them while doing this would be over one thousand and she didn't want that.

"Dancing!" Yeji yelled, "The tryouts are today after school."

"No dancing, Wooyoung does dancing and I'm trying to avoid them, you know that." Asia folded her arms but New grabbed both her hands, "We're just gonna go tryout. There's no telling that we'll get in. Plus you're not doing this for him or any of them, this could be fun."

Euphrasia nodded, "Well I'll go and try out, we're all doing it right?"

"We'll see." Yeji shrugged and Asia's mouth widened before her friend laughed, "I'm kidding."

Looking at New, she asked "Will you dance with me though?"

"I don't know. Yeji will get jealous," New flipped his hair and the girl scoffed, "Please I already have my routine covered."

"Well then! Don't worry, nothing's gonna be able to beat us, babe." Euphrasia smiled as her friend enveloped her in a hug.

"Now let's get to class, shall we? See you guys at lunch yeah?"

They all linked their pinkies once before they left each other.

Lunch was the same but not the same.

The table was the same but without Euphrasia.

She was across the room with New and Yeji sitting at a separate table while they had just sat down with the food they'd packed.

At the other table, all of the boys sat today. Although they did have the company of Sorn and Jiwon because of Hongjoong and San, who was allowing the girl to do anything she wanted to him.

"Why are you frowning?" Sorn asked Hongjoong and followed his gaze towards the table Asia sat at with her friends, "Her? Why are you spacing out over her while I'm here?"

Seongwha laughed, "Why are you here again?"

"Because my boyfriend's here," Sorn rolled her eyes and Yunho smirked, "I didn't know you two were official. Congratulations."

Hongjoong glared at the boy as he knew of his teasing tone but Sorn probably thought he was genuinely congratulating them.

Two girls walked up, one girl with short hair and the other's hair longer, "Hey guys we wanted to ask about the welcome back basketball game tonight? Mingi's playing right?"

As much as Jongho wanted to roll his eyes, it was just a question, "Of course he is. He's one of the best players and it is a welcome back game."

The girl with the shorter hair smiled slightly at Jongho, "Um Jongho, will the football team be having a welcome back game?"

"No, not this year. Just basketball." Jongho spoke, not at all interested but as he knew she wouldn't get the hint, he stood up. "I'm gonna go get out of here and get ready for my next class." He grabbed his bag and walked away with his trash.

"I'm going with him," Wooyoung said before he followed Jongho, "I have art next."

San could feel the glare that Wooyoung threw his way but San was looking out the corner of his eyes across the cafeteria as Euphrasia finally stood up with her friend.

San and Asia always got into their little squabbles but it usually lasted for a day and it was nothing serious, it happened ever since they were little. Although, he knew this was different, they would need to talk.


"Take your shirt off," Asia smirked as she pulled all the painting materials out.

The teacher instructed everyone to draw their partners and Eric Son, son of Dionysus, just happened to be her partner. The man was a flirt with any girl and a huge player but above all a sweetheart who enjoyed fruits like her and also had a parent who believed in the hypocrisy which was fertility.

Eric placed his hands around his body before gasping, "Are you gonna violate me?"

"I don't know, maybe? Strip first." Asia laughed and he frowned, "Why can't I paint you? You know I'm great at art."

"That's why I wanna try. If I let you do it then it's basically cheating," She huffed before he rolled his eyes before removing his blazer and unbuttoning his school shirt which made her wolf whistle.

"You're treating me as if I'm a piece of meat," Eric shook his head and the girl laughed, "Yeah can I have a bite?"

Eric scoffed before he sat down and allowed the girl to start painting, "Don't you need my bottoms off too?"

"Nope, just trust me and leave it to my imagination," Asia winked at him. Eric gasped, "I think you just wanted to see my abs."

"Well not really but I'm not gonna say I wasn't curious, now stop moving."

"Yes ma'am and I'll let you touch them later if you like." He said and the girl scoffed.

Both of them completely oblivious to Wooyoung who could hear everything and was not happy, gripping his paintbrush so hard that it almost broke when he saw him make the girl laugh or smile.

𝑼𝒑 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝒊𝒏 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒄𝒆; ateez Where stories live. Discover now