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Chapter 1: Beginning


I walk on shaky legs through the hallway, towards the room that the
noise has come from.
"Mom" i whisper-yelled
The door was wide open.
As i walk closer, i freeze in my tracks at the sight in front of me.
"M-m-mom" i stutter, unable to form words.
He spun his head towards me and yelled "GET THE HELL OUT OF
I flinch and take a couple of steps back. Ready to bolt out of there.
But my eyes widened in horror when his hand on mom's throat
tightened even more and her face turned blue.

I wake up panting and sweat covering my forehead and neck.
I flinch when my alarm goes off. I take deep breaths reassuring myself
that it was just a dream
I have had the same dream for four years now, and it doesn't seem to
want to leave me as much as i want to leave it,
And even though it is the same almost every night it never gets easier,
it is still the same fright as it was the very first time.
After i got my breathing back to normal i reach for my phone on the
nightstand beside my queen-size bed and turned off my alarm.
Silence filling the room.

I get up and head to my closet to get some clothes and head to the shower.
After a ten minutes relaxing shower, i get out wearing a black leather
jacket -which is my pride and joy- beneath is a white crop top and
some black ripped jeans with my one and only pair of white nike

I take a quick look at myself in the mirror grabbing a hair pin and
pulling my wavy black hair out of my dark skinned face, then apply
some lip balm and some mascara to really make my hazel eyes pop
and distract from the fact that i only got 3 hours of sleep -how will they
know?-. I grab my black backpack and head downstairs specifically
towards the kitchen.

I was greeted by my mother's back while she cooked some eggs on the stove.
An evil smile came to my face and i started tiptoeing towards her.
"Good morning lydia , How was your sleep?"she asked without even
being fazed in the slightest.
"How do you always know?" i was always left with same Disappointment.
"I'm your mother" as if it was some sort of super power.
"Yeah sure mrs.jessica" i said saltyly.
" Do you want some eggs for breakfast?"
"No, I'm already late for school" i grabbed an apple to eat on the go.
"Maybe if by some miracle you stopped staying till like five in the
freaking morning watching your stupid little k-dramas and went to bed early then maybe you would for once actually go to school on time and
also you would do me a big favor by not wasting the wi-fi so freaking
fast every month" a familiar voice that i have been hearing for
basically all my life said from behind me.
I turn to look at my older sister sydney.
We look so much alike that people most of the time mistake us for
twins, the only difference is that she is taller than me and she sure as
hell keeps rubbing it in my face for a decade now.
"oh , shut up, K-dramas are the best, so i don't regret getting only 3
hours of sleep if it meant i finished a new series, and if it bother you so
much sis then i will use data but you will be the one paying for it in
exchange of the wi-fi" i said taking a bite of my apple.
Syd just shakes her head at me and walks to the kitchen table to eat
her breakfast.
"Bye" i yelled as I quickly walked to the front door and closed it before
any response.

I stopped a taxi and told him to head to hell oh i mean school - same

As i reach the gates i glance at my watch to see that i'm late to
first class. First class is math and since i don't have the best
relationship with the subject itself, could you imagine the relationship i
have with the very passionate teacher who teaches it.

I almost ran into the door when i reached it, i took a deep breath
cause i will need it and opened the door after i silently knocked three

All the attention goes to me.

"Miss smith" Mr. Marcus said, crossing his arms over his chest and not being pleased by my existence.

"Mr.marcus" i laughed nervously because i know the end of this -we
both know the end of this- and one for sure will be happy about it and
that will definitely not be me.
"Don't leave with the other students today; you have detention" he
sighed very dramatically as if disappointed in me but we both know that he had been waiting for it.
I nodded and quickly sat on my seat next to my best friend camryn.

"Not a word" I warned her because i know her a little too well.
"I wasn't going to say anything" she defended but couldn't hold her
laugh any longer and i roll my eyes at her " yeah sure".

I walked through detention expecting a lazy ass teacher sleeping
at the desk but to my despair i saw Mr Marcus himself standing by the desk.

Just my luck.

I spent detention listening to music from my earphones and ignoring Marcus's glare at me.

The day finally came to an end and i stop a taxi and get in.
Time for the best part of the day.

The Gym.


Hey guys! the author here!

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the story.

Don't forget to vote and tell me your guesses of the story in the comments!

Love ya all (。♡‿♡。)


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