Hey beautiful! Yup all good(: but….we have a problem. xx-Zi

What problem….? xx-Mish

They found out about you…about us. xx-Zi

WHAT!? How? xx-Mish 

Well…..I was talking with Harry and Darcy about rooming together cuz they’re you know… a couple…and well Liam told me not to talk about it cuz they don’t want Lou to find out. But when Liam said that Lou walked in:/ xx-Zi 

OMG! What happened? Did he find out about Harcy?:o xx-Mish 

No….they tried to cover it up but failed. So I tried to help them instead of saying something stupid like…there’s no carrots I told him I didn’t want him to know about my girlfriend…then one thing led to another and yeah….I’m sorry babe :/ xx-Zi 

Don’t be sorry babe its fine(: So does this mean I get to meet them!?:D xx-Mish

I smiled and looked back up to see Darcy, Harry and Louis in a deep conversation. 

“Mish” I said. They looked at me like I had two heads. I rolled my eyes. 

"Her name is Mish Tyler. We've been together for about a little over a month." 

"A MONTH!?" Louis exclaimed, "Why didn't you tell us?"

I shrug, "I don't know, I wanted to see how things would work out first." I answered truthfully. 

"So does this mean we get to meet her!?" Darcy asked hopefully. I chuckled, "Yeah you can. When do you want to meet her?" I questioned turning towards everyone.

"Why don't you invite her over for dinner?" Liam said looking up from his phone,"Harry was going to cook us a real meal." Darcy nodded eagerly and smiled. 

"Okay I'll text her and see if she's free." I took out my phone and texted Mish. 

Hey babe guese what......the boys want to meet you(: Are you free tonight? xx-Zi

OMG! REALLY!? Hell yess I'm free! I can't wait:D wait......what if they dont like me? What if they think I'm a freak? xx-Mish 

Babe, you're amazing and if they think you're a freak.....at least you're my freak(: But don't worry they'll love just as much as I do;) xx-Zi 

*Blushing* Awe thanks babe, you're too sweet!:* So....what time should I come by? xx-Mish 

"Hey Harreh, what time is dinner? So I can tell Mish what time to be here."

"7:00, so you should tell her to be here at 6:00-6:30." He relied. 


Dinners at 7:00 so come around 6:00...so there's time to introduce you to everyone, and for you guys to get to know each other(: xx-Zi 

Alright! I can't wait! See you then babe(: Love you, bye xx-Mish 

Bye, Love you too(: xx-Zi

- 4 hours -  

I was pacing around my room looking for something to wear. I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty nervous for tonight. I hope the guys like Mish. She Isn't like Perrie. She's kinda the complete opposite. But thats what I like about her. I decided on a plain white v-neck with my red and white varsity jacket, dark gray jeans and white Nikes. I styled my hair in its usual quiff and I headed down stairs to the kitchen. 

"Look who dressed up." Snickered Niall from the sofa. I glare at him and continue making my way to the kitchen. When I get there I see Harry wearing a pink apron over his cloths. From what I could see he was wearing his typical white v-neck, blue blazer, tan khakis and red converse. I laughed at the sight infront of me. He was rushing from place to place trying to get everything ready. 

"Harry mate, calm down. The food looks great." I reasured him. 

"I know I'm just a little bit stressed." 


"Because....I making Darcy's favorite, you know, tacos....I just want it to be perfect." He said shyly, looking down. 

"Mate, you make the best tacos I have ever eaten, so chill." I smiled patting his back. He smiled back. I helped him set the table. Once we put the Last touch on the food the door bell rang. She was only able to come now becuase she had to babysit, but thats okay, she's here now and thats all that matters. I walk towards the door, my heart beating so fast, I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack. I grab the door knob and turn it, pulling the door open. 

*Darcy's POV* 

Zayn opened the door and greeted Mish. They walked into the living room and I saw a shortish girl walk in with long straight black hair wearing short dark blue shorts, a purple t-shirt and purple converse. 

"Guys this is Mish, Mish this is, Harry, Darcy, Louis, Eleanor, Liam and Niall." he said point to each one of us. We all say our hello's. 

"It's nice to finally meet you all." she said sweetly. Now that I can see her clearly, I can see that she has brown eyes and light make-up on, that makes her eyes pop. She is actually really pretty. She noticed me staring and I smiled sweetly, which she returned. Harry announced that dinner was ready and we all started to head towards the dinning room. Once seated at the dinner table we all started to get to know each other. 

"So Mish, how old are you?" asked El. 

"I'm 16" she smiled. I look at Zayn. He was looking at Mish loveably. It might be a 4 year diffrence, but you can tell that they love each other and thats all that matters. 

By the end of dinner we're all getting along with Mish really well. She was pretty shy at first, but when she got comfortable she was actually really caring and outgoing. I think Mish fits in perfectly with us. I can't wait to hangout with her again. I'm not going to lie, I do like Mish way better than Perrie. Perrie was always so clingy with Zayn and she would never want to hangout with us. She was a total bitch, if I'm being honest. 

"Thank you for making dinner Harry. Zayn told me you made it because it's my favorite. That was really sweet of you." I said followed by a quick kiss on the lips which Harry blushes to. 

"Anything for you babe." he smiles kissing my cheek. We walk to the living room and see that Mish was getting ready to leave. She walks around and hugs all of us. When she hugs me I tell her to come back soon and she said she would. She waved one last goodbye to us before kissing Zayn goodbye. Today was actually a really good day.

"Well, I'm tired guys I'm going to go to bed."

"But its only 9:00" Niall poked from the kitchen.

"And your point is what?" I yawned. Niall shrugged his sholders. "Okay guys goodnight." I said heading towards Harry and I's room. Once there, I brushed my teeth, put on my pj's and layed in bed. When I was starting to fall asleep I felt the bed sinking next to me. I shimmied back and snuggled into him,  knowing it was Harry.

"Goodnight babe" Harry said kissing my forehead.

"Night." I sighed happily. 


Hey guys! So It's not anything special because I didn't know what to write but I hope you liked it!:)

 In other news.....Who's happy about the Haylor brake-up???

I know I am. I've never been a fan of Taylor Swift and when I found out she was going out with harry I got pissed.....But now they're over and I'm happy again! Well I dont really care who he is with. If he's happy then so am I:)

Please comment and vote!?! xxx

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