Chapter Nine

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Finally Sero came back into the rec building with Vlad King. Vlad looked confused as he surveyed the scene. The only people in the room were Sero, Aizawa, Hitoshi, Shoji, Juzo, Bakugo, Monoma, and a woman he didn't recognize.

"What happened?" Vlad asked, eyeing the tied up Bakugo and Monoma.

Aizawa explained the earlier events and the punishment he doled out to the students involved.

"I haven't decided a proper punishment for these two" Aizawa motioned towards Bakugo and Monoma.

"I think giving them an additional day of house arrest would prove to be prudent" Vlad replied.

"Is it enough though?" Aizawa asked "These two, and Midoriya, always seem to be causing the rifts between our classes."

"Their quirk presentations are thirteen days away, so at the most they'll have ten days to prepare." Vlad responded.

"Which should be more than enough time, the hero training courses this semester have been focusing on their performance." Aizawa added.

"You're right, and the time spent on house arrest will give them plenty of time to sketch out what they want to do"

"I think we should have Bakugo and Monoma help set up the quirk presentation areas" Aizawa stated.

"I think you're right. This will do them good." Vlad replied.

"Okay, now that that is settled let's return these students to their dormitories." Aizawa said, motioning for every to follow him.

Shoji easily lifted up Bakugo while Sero helped Juzo carry Monoma.

"Why can't she just make them walk with her quirk?" Sero asked the teachers.

"Because these aren't her students and she has helped us enough by getting them to stop arguing. She is guest on the campus and regardless of that, you students should know better than to get in petty arguments. Think back to what I said earlier" Aizawa scolded.

Hanae felt awkward as she walked behind the group of students with her brother. She knew this wasn't what Hitoshi wanted her to see when she finally came back to UA. Regardless, she found the entire situation pretty funny. It reminded her of when she was still a student herself with Shinji and they would mess around with their classmates, testing out each other's quirks.

"You know Hitoshi" Hanae began, "When I was in my third year, I was able to get Shinji to use his quirk while brainwashed"

"What? No way, I haven't even thought of trying that" He replied in awe of his older sister.

"Oh yeah, Shinji and I thought it would be useful for when we were out in the hero field" She laughed.

"But you aren't a hero anymore big sis?" He frowned.

"I know, but you're about to become one! You should always think of ways to strengthen your quirk as well as your mind and body."

"Aizawa-sensei has taught me how to become more agile and quicker in a fight with his binding cloth" Hitoshi said.

"And I think that's great! It's important to not be a one trick pony, but think about what I just told you. If a villain knows you can brainwash people, they'll be cautious right?" Hanae asked.

"Yes, that's the main problem with being a pro hero!"

"Well, if you're able to make someone you brainwashed use their quirk, any partner they may have will think the brainwashing effects have dropped" Hanae continued.

"Mhmm, and if they think their teammate is back in action, they'll let their guard down around them and I can use that to my advantage!" Hitoshi exclaimed.

"Exactly! It'll be easier to take down the entire group of villains" Hanae smiled at her brother.

"Wow, that is so cool! I've never thought about doing something like that before! I'll have to practice it next time I'm training" Hitoshi replied, "I'll have to ask some of my classmates if I can try it out on them! Can you help me figure it out Hanae?"

"Of course lil bro! That's why I wanted to tell you. I'm sure your teacher is excellent, but you and I have the same quirk – albeit, we have some differences but we know how it works and what we should focus on." Hanae replied.

While Hitoshi and Hanae kept talking about training plans, Aizawa couldn't help but listen to their conversation with a smile on his face. Although he had helped Hitoshi master the binding cloth, he spent more time focusing on tricking people with the Artificial Vocal Cords. He didn't even think of any other potential moves Hitoshi's quirk could possess.

'Damn, that's a pretty cool move you've got Hanae' He thought to himself. 'I'd like to see you try that move out in person.'

They approached the Heights Alliance dormitories. The two giant buildings labeled "3-A" and "3-B" were in front of them to their left and right.

"Yo, Aizawa" Vlad King announced, "Can she follow me up to Monoma's room?" He pointed towards Hanae.

"Yeah, since Hitoshi is in Class A, it'll be easier to drop your student's from Class B off first" Aizawa agreed.

"What should we do Aizawa-sensei?" Shoji asked.

"Go ahead and take Bakugo to his room. Sero, you can go with Shoji and Hitoshi can take over helping Juzo carry Monoma."

"Alright" Sero gave the group a thumbs up and followed Shoji towards the building to the left.

As Hanae and her group approached the Class B dormitory, she could see all of the students huddled near the window watching the situation unfold.

"Everyone get out of the way" Vlad King scolded as they got inside.

The students all ran from the doorway and towards the shared living space. Sixteen sets of eyes watching the group of five carry Monoma towards the elevator.

"Are Kendo and Shoda still not back yet?" Juzo asked his teacher.

"Principal Nezu said they won't be back until curfew" Vlad answered.

The group finally made it to Monoma's dorm room where Aizawa helped Vlad remove Sero's tape.

"Should I go ahead and release him?" Hanae asked "He's completely conscious, he just doesn't have any control of his body."

"It's fine" Vlad King replied "I'm going to have a talk with him once you all leave and I'll remind him of his punishment as well."

"Okay" Hanae replied.

Hanae closed her eyes and released the brainwashing effect on Monoma.

"I can't believe you did that to me" Monoma raised his voice at Hanae.

"HEY!" Vlad King bellowed "You were being reckless, childish and stupid"

Monoma immediately looked disdainfully towards his teacher and walked towards his bed.

"You guys can go ahead and leave" Vlad stated "Send Togaru, Tetsutetsu, Awase, and Sen to their rooms and tell them I'll be having a conversation with each of them privately"

"Of course" Aizawa replied "Have a good night."

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