Chapter Twenty-Three

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Hanae had finally made it home only to face her frantic mother.

"Hanae, where were you? When I went to check on you and you weren't there I was so scared" Her mother shrieked, while tightly gripping Hanae's shoulders.

"Mom, I'm fine. I sent you a message, did you check your phone?" Hanae said calmly.

Murasaki let go of Hanae's shoulders and took her phone out of her pocket, a soft 'ooh' coming out of her mouth.

"You know I don't really get how these things work" Murasaki scolded.

"Mom, I'm sorry I only sent you a text when I could have also called" Hanae apologized.

"Well where were you? Did you stay with Hitoshi?" Murasaki asked.

"No" Haane admitted, "I slept over at Aizawa-sensei's apartment"

"WHAT?!" Murasaki shouted, "YOU STAYED WITH HIS MENTOR?"

"Yes Mom, I accidentally fell asleep over there after dinner" Hanae stated, "Nothing else happened"

"Alright, are you sure? You only just met him recently"

"I know Mom, I know. His daughter invited Hitoshi and I to dinner after training and I guess I was just really tired. We were watching a movie and I fell asleep, that's all" Hanae lied.

"So do you like him?" Murasaki asked inquisitively.

"OF COURSE!" Hanae blushed, recalling her dream from earlier "HE REALLY SEEMS TO CARE FOR HITOSHI"

"Do you really think so?" Murasaki pondered.

"YES! Now, I have to take a shower Mom" Hanae replied, making her way past her Mom.

Hanae quickly ran towards her bathroom and locked the door. She couldn't help but think about her dream from earlier.

'Do I like him or do I just want to fuck him?' She thought to herself as she shed her clothing.

As she was about to turn on the shower, her phone chimed indicating someone texted her. Hanae fished her phone out of her jacket and saw Yu had texted her.

Yu: I need to know everything

Hanae laughed at her friend's message, unsure of how to respond.

H: Everything I told Shinji last night is the only stuff to tell

Yu: I don't believe that, you stayed the night. What happened?!

Hanae stared at her phone knowing the Yu wouldn't back down. Shinji didn't really seem to care but Yu on the other hand was a gossip fiend.

H: I think I might like him... I had a dream about him

Hanae's phone began ringing, a photo of her and Yu posing near Tokyo Tower lit up her screen.

'Motherfucker' Hanae thought to herself as she answered the phone.

H: Hello Yu

Yu: What was the dream about?

H: Can we talk about it later? I'm about to go into the shower

Yu: Was it a sex dream?


Yu: Was it?



H:... kind of

Yu: *Screaming*

H: Please don't tell Shinji


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