Chapter Thirteen

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The duo exited the bar and began walking toward the train station. Hanae felt warmth all throughout her body.

'Must have been the sake and the beer' She thought when questioning herself about why she felt hot, completely ignoring her budding attraction towards her brother's teacher.

When they were about two blocks away, Hanae realized it was ten minutes until the train she needed to catch stopped running.

"Shota, I'm going to miss my train" Hanae panicked.

"Oh shit" Aizawa looked at his watch, "Come on!"

He grabbed her hand and ran towards the train station terminals. It was 11:54 p.m. when they made it inside.

"We made it" Hanae panted, while using the kiosk. Her ticket printed out of the machine and she grabbed it.

"Well thank you so much for walking me Shota" Hanae said.

"I haven't gotten you home though?" Aizawa said matter-of-factly as his own ticket printed from the kiosk.

"Wait what?" Hanae said confused, "I thought you were just taking me to the station?"

"I told your brother I would make sure you got home safely" He retorted, "And that doesn't mean dropping you off at the station."

"It's really okay, you've already done a lot for me tonight" She replied.

"Look" Aizawa pointed, "Our train is here"

Aizawa quickly boarded the train, laughing at Hanae's reaction to what he had just said. Hanae followed him as he walked down towards the back of the train car. Only two other people were on the train with them. One was an elderly woman, sleeping in her seat and the other was middle aged man.

"Looks like we're on the Nightowl Express" Aizawa laughed, motioning to the two strangers.

Hanae sat a seat away from Aizawa, putting her feet on the chair between them. She placed her bag on the seat next to hers and rested her head on the bag. They rode the train in silence, the only noise coming from the speakers overhead alerting them to what stops were approaching.

"What stop do you need to get off at?" Aizawa asked.

"It's the next one" Hanae replied.

The overhead voice alerted the duo to the approaching stop.

"Are you ready to go?" Aizawa asked, standing up.

"Yeah" Hanae grumbled, opening her eyes which were adjusting to the overhead light.

Aizawa offered a hand to Hanae, which she took in order to get up. They walked to the train car doors and waiting for them to open.

"Let's go!" Hanae said once the doors opened.

Hanae stepped down onto the platform and made a left to exit the train terminal.

"Which way from here?"

"My house is a five minute walk from here" Hanae replied.

They turned right on the sidewalk as they exited the train station. Hanae took the lead at first when she realized Aizawa was a few steps behind her.

"Is everything alright?" Hanae asked, turning around.

"Oh yeah" Aizawa replied, "It's just been a while since I have been in this part of the city" He stated looking around.

'Oh' Hanae thought, and waited for him to catch up to her.

"So why are you really going all this way to get me back home?" Hanae asked.

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