Chapter Twenty

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"Hanae would you like some sake?" Aizawa offered, pouring himself a glass.

"I didn't even realize you had some" Hanae said surprised.

"You don't have to have any if you don't want to. I figured it was a long day of teaching for you" Aizawa replied, trying to justify the alcohol.

"Oh you don't need to worry" Hanae replied, "I'd actually like a glass"

Aizawa poured Hanae a glass. Hanae took a sip of the alcohol and let out a satisfied sigh.

"That's quite good" Hanae stated.

"Can I have some Papa?" Eri asked, looking at the sake bottle inquisitively.

"Absolutely not" Aizawa and Hitoshi said in unison.

"Why not?" Eri whined.

"Uh, it's an adult drink" Hitoshi stuttered, "I can't even drink it"

"Well you could have some if you wanted to" Hanae corrected him.

Hitoshi gave Hanae a glare, causing Hanae to realize what she had just said in front of a seven year old.

"Yeah, but I don't want to" Hitoshi replied with a persuasive tone.

"Yeah" Hanae agreed, using the same persuasive tone "Hitoshi can't have it since he's still in school"

"Can I have it when I'm done with school?" Eri asked.

"Absolutely" Aizawa responded, "And not a day sooner"

The rest of the meal was spent talking about Hitoshi's training and Eri's day to day life. Both adults had relaxed a little bit thanks to the alcohol and were laughing at one another's jokes. There were multiple moments throughout dinner that either one of them would just watch the other person talk, or eat, or listen. Hanae couldn't help but feel giddy at the look of pride in Aizawa's face whenever Hitoshi mentioned something about his training. She loved the way Aizawa cared for her brother and how he's become a second father figure to him. Once dinner was finished, Hitoshi and Eri went to wash the dishes while Aizawa and Hanae finished a second bottle of sake. The two were red in the face laughing because Eri had "accidentally" sprayed Hitoshi with a the sink nozzle.

"Alright, all the dishes are done" Hitoshi announced.

"Can we watch a movie?" Eri asked.

"I'm okay with watching a movie!" Aizawa replied, "Hanae? Hitoshi? Will you stay and watch a movie with us?"

"I promised Denki and Sato I would have an ice cream party with them" Hitoshi replied, "Sato has been mastering this ice cream recipe and wants us to try it, the girls are coming by too"

"Ah okay, what about you Hanae?" Aizawa turned to her and asked.

Hanae felt warm in the face and it wasn't from the alcohol. She nervously looked between Hitoshi, Eri, and Aizawa unsure of what she should do.

'Would it be alright to stay later without Hitoshi? I did drink a lot of sake so I probably shouldn't go anywhere by myself yet' She thought.

"Please Hanae!" Eri pleaded, "I'll let you pick the movie"

"Alright, I guess my choice is made then" Hanae smiled, secretly relieved the child made her decision for her.

The trio bid farewell to Hitoshi after the dishes were put away and made their way into the living room.

"What kind of movies do you like?" Aizawa asked Hanae.

"Umm, I don't really watch a lot of movies but when I do I tend to stick to something funny" Hanae replied.

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