Chapter Eleven

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A/N! This chapter contains spoilers from the manga, they will be marked. If you don't want to read the spoilers, please scroll past the second marker. You won't miss anything important to the story line.

"Alright Hanae, please take the lead" He gestured in front of him.

Hanae began to walk in front of the Erasure Hero, but then slowed down enough to walk side by side with him. He noticed her next to him and gave her a half smile which she returned.

"So how do you know Kamui Woods?" Aizawa asked, breaking the silence.

"Hmm? Kamui...? OH! Shinji! Well, I guess you know him at Kamui Woods" Hanae stuttered.

"Yeah, I meant to ask how does your family know him?" Aizawa corrected himself.

Hanae saw Aizawa blush again as he awkwardly began fixing his hair. She felt something warm slowly heat up in her chest.

"Oh, um" She laughed "Shinji, er-Kamui and his family are our neighbors. The two of us grew up together, so he's basically my best friend."

"Oh, that's cool" Aizawa mumbled.

"Yeah, even though I live in Tokyo, he and I remain really close" Hanae smiled to herself.

"So how long will you be in Musutafu?" He asked her.

"I'm not entirely sure yet. I came early because I missed my family and I missed home" Hanae began, "I love Tokyo and I love what I do, but it's always nice to come back to your roots"

Aizawa looked thoughtfully at Hanae. He knew exactly what she meant. Ever since he almost lost his quirk...

"Shota?" Hanae said quietly, "Is everything okay?"

"I was just reflecting on my past and the decisions I've made" He replied solemnly.

Hanae wasn't sure what to say. She knew she had been vague when she answered his question, but now he was doing the same thing to her.

'I can't let this be where our conversation ends. I don't want him to feel awkward around me, especially with our shared love of Hitoshi.' She thought to herself.

"So Shota, what exactly is a quirk demonstration?" Hanae questioned.

Aizawa snapped out of the haze he was in and smiled at her question.

"It's new, but it's basically a way to build up the student's confidence before they go out into the pro hero world. It's kind of like the entrance exam, but they get to go all out and show off their ultimate moves as they best see fit." Aizawa answered.

"Do they have to fight and destroy giant robots like in their entrance exam?" Hanae asked curiously.

"Not exactly, the teachers decide what kind of hero situation would best show off their abilities while also making them utilize the lessons we've taught them while they're here at UA. For instance, Mezo Shoji's quick is Dupli-Arms so we are going to create a search and rescue mission while incorporating some villain combat"

"That sounds so exciting, I wish we had something like that when I graduated" Hanae answered.

"It started two years ago. However, after the League of Villains and All for One were defeated, we debated even having it for the current third years, but they really insisted."

"Hitoshi has told me about some of the trauma his classmates are still dealing with after that battle" Hanae mentioned.

"I have a few scars myself" Aizawa chuckled.


Hanae's eyes went wide as Aizawa pulled up his left pant leg. She stared at the artificial leg that attached to his knee. She felt a pang of pain in her chest.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I was shot with a quirk erasing bullet and I couldn't risk losing my quirk in that battle." He replied.

"So you cut your own leg off?" Hanae looked at him in shock.

"Well when you put it so bluntly, yes." Aizawa laughed "I also have a prosthetic eye,* but I am still able to use my quirk – although it's not as strong as it was before"

*To be determined???


'Holy fuck' Hanae thought to herself.

Aizawa noticed the shocked looked on her face and grabbed her hand. Hanae flinched slightly at first, but then let him hold it.

"I know it's a lot to process, I am still dealing with some trauma myself." He said thoughtfully.

Hanae looked into his eyes and felt a touch of guilt. He had shared his story with her. Should she tell him his?

"What's on your mind Hanae?" He asked, releasing her hand.

'Don't let go' She thought to herself.

"I was just thinking of my last mission before I retired from being a hero." She said quietly.

"Would you like to talk about it?" He offered.

"Yeah, but I need a drink first. Is there a bar around here" She asked.

Aizawa laughed, motioning her to follow him.

"You happen to be walking with the right person Shinso-san, I know the best sake bar in all of Musutafu"

A/N (again) Sorry this chapter was short, I didn't want to bombard you with this chapter and the next one, it would have been extremely long.

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