Chapter Fifteen

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Whatever confidence Hanae walking into the gymnasium was quickly snuffed out when she noticed Aizawa was there. It wasn't the fact that he was there earlier than expected that caused Hanae to feel flustered and nervous, it was the fact that he was wearing a tight, black shirt on top of tight spandex pants with his hair tied up tightly.

'God, he's so hot' Hanae thought to herself, watching Aizawa challenge his students.

Aizawa, Vlad King, and the students who weren't on house arrest from 3-A and 3-B were in the middle of what looked to be an intense quirk training game. Hanae watched the game curiously until her purple haired brother noticed her standing against the back wall.

"Oh hey Hanae!" Hitoshi shouted out, causing Aizawa to quickly look in her direction.

Upon noticing her he immediately blushed and tried to cover the fact his cheeks were bright red with his binding cloth.

"Hanae" Hitoshi shouted, "Eri-chan is right over here, come and meet her!"

Hanae followed her little brother and stood face to face with a petite, white haired girl with a small horn sticking out of her forehead.

"Hi Eri-chan, my name is Hanae! It is really nice to finally meet you! I've heard a lot about you!" Hanae said as she introduced herself.

"Conichiwa Hanae-san, you look just like my brother!" Eri replied.

"Your brother?" Hanae asked.

"Yeah! Shinso-kun is my brother" Eri piped up.

'Oh, that's so sweet' Hanae thought to herself.

"Eri-chan" Aizawa approached from behind, "This is Hitoshi's older sister Hanae"

"I know that, we have the same brother" Eri replied.

"I actually think it's really that you think of Hitoshi as an older brother" Hanae began, "I guess that makes you my little sister" Hanae smiled, causing Eri to laugh.

"AND THAT'S OUR DAD!" Eri pointed to Aizawa, shocking Hanae and Aizawa.

"Eri-chan, Aizawa-sensei is your Dad but he isn't Hanae's or mine" Hitoshi corrected, "But I can still be your big bro"

"And I can still be your big sister" Hanae added, pushing the embarrassment of what Eri just said to the back of her mind.

"Is that okay Papa?" Eri asked Aizawa.

"Yes, of course it is" Aizawa chuckled.

"Are you enjoying watching everyone practice?" Hanae asked Eri.

"Yes I am!" She replied, "I've been learning how to control my quirk in a way that doesn't hurt people" Eri emiled.

'In a way that doesn't hurt people? Um, what the hell?' Hanae thought to herself. 'I'll have to ask Hitoshi what she means later.'

"Hanae, we are about to finish our game! Afterwards can you show me that trick you were telling me about?" Hitoshi asked.

"Yeah, that's not a problem at all" Hanae replied, "I'll sit with Eri until your game is done!"

Aizawa and Hitoshi looked to Eri and gave her a nod of approval as Eri smiled at them.

"I'm sure she will keep me safe right here!" Eri replied.

'I know she will' Aizawa thought to himself, smiling at Eri's remark.

Their game finished roughly twenty minutes later with both classes tying up the teachers. Eri cheered wildly when she saw Hitoshi and a green haired boy get hoisted onto the shoulders of their classmates. Hanae clapped along with Eri and stood up to greet her brother.

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