Chapter Sixteen

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Once everyone had gathered outside, they all look towards Hanae waiting with baited breath for what was to come next.

"So I narrowed it down to two different students" Hanae stated, "And I really think Shiozaki and Koda have excellent quirks that will be perfect for this demonstration"

Koji and Ibara stepped forward from the group with a look of surprise on their faces.

"I thought you would pick someone like Midoriya or Iida" Hitoshi whispered to his sister.

"Really? Are they normally picked for quirk exercises like this?" Hanae replied surprised.

"Yeah, most of the time it's them getting all the attention, as well as Bakugo and Todoroki" Hitoshi responded.

"Well Bakugo has a terrible temper and you don't need to have a flashy quirk to be effective" Hanae reminded Hitoshi, "I easily stopped Bakugo yesterday and I'm confident I can take down anyone here"

"I guess I'm still caught up in the fact heroes are more likely to have a flashier quirk" He mumbled back.

"UA wouldn't have accepted me, or you, or them into their hero program if they didn't think you had the ability to become a hero" Hanae smiled at her brother, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Hitoshi smiled softly at his sister and went back towards the group of students waiting to watch Hanae.

"Thank you Shiozaki and Koda for volunteering! Have you ever been brainwashed before?" Hanae asked.

Koda shook his head no while Ibara nodded her head yes.

"Well it's nothing to be afraid of unless you're facing Hitoshi or myself in a fight and since I'm a lawyer, you really only have to look out for Hitoshi" Hanae began, "Now I'm able to brainwash by hearing your voice and looking at you, and since you both told me your name and your quirk earlier I have everything I need to be able to brainwash you. However, I will give you a proper warning beforehand."

Everyone watched intensely as Hanae continued to explain what she was going to do to both student volunteers.

"Now that I've explained everything, I would like to begin with you Shiozaki" Hanae motioned to the girl.

Ibara stepped forward and walked up next to Hanae.

"Are you ready Shiozaki?" Hanae asked.

"Yes" Ibara replied.

"Turn around and walk fifty feet away from me"

Ibara turned around and walked towards an empty space fifty feet away from Hanae. All of the student's eyes were glued onto Ibara but Aizawa kept watching Hanae.

"Cover yourself in vines"

Ibara's vinelike hair started to slowly grow and wrap itself around her until she was completely covered.

"Uncover yourself and create a vine doll that looks like your teacher"

Within a minute Ibara had created a lifelike vine doll of Vlad King.

"Woah, look at that sensei!" Shishida stated, "It's looks just like you!"

The rest of the students watched in awe as Hanae continued to have Ibara create and destroy things with her vines. Aizawa's jaw was on the verge of dropping, he had no idea Shinso's power could do anything like this.

"Thank you Shiozaki-chan" Hanae stated, releasing Ibara from her brainwashing effects.

"Koda-san, are you ready?" Hanae asked.

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