Chapter 9: With a Whimper

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Soon, the column of tanks and armoured vehicles stopped along the ridgeline overlooking the town. The grassy fields sway in the wind, uncaring of the armoured beasts that sat nearby.

The company commander opens the top hatch of his Leopard 2. The afternoon sun beaming down on him as he proceeds to survey the town and surrounding area with his binoculars. He could see that the outer perimeter of hastily built wooden spike barriers had been shattered and that some of the buildings of the outskirts of Gim have also been destroyed.

As he scans the town, he notices three Lourian soldiers walking out of the town and heading towards them. The middle Lourian was carrying the Kingdom of Louria flag. The company commander proceeded to issue orders to his subordinates through his headset.

<<All units hold your fire. Rhino 2-2, go check it out.>>

As the company commander turned to his left, he could see mechanized infantry dismounting from the ACV-300 APC. The squad then walked through the grassy fields to meet the three Lourians. From his position in the Leopard 2, a communication from the squad came through.

<<Sir, they're surrendering. They say there's no point in fighting since their nation is gone. Most of the Lourians hiding in Gim are mostly the old, women, and children.>>

A look of disappointment manifested on the company commander's face as he thought to himself.

'Tch, and we just got here damnit.'

<<This is Rhino 1-1, tell them to gather all the Lourians in town out into the open fields facing us. Tell them that whatever weapon they have are to be thrown into the ground to clearly indicate they are surrendering.>>

<<Roger that>>

The USEAN infantry squad could be seen talking to the three Lourians. After a while, and some back and forth looks from the Lourians, one of them walked back into town. And soon thereafter, he brought with him a whole bunch of Lourians out of town and into the fields. The few soldiers with them seemed well off, big bulky armour along with ceremonial capes but many of them were in fact the elderly, women, and children.

<<This is Rhino 1-1 to Quebec-4 actual do you copy over...requesting additional manpower from the military police and medical corps over...yes sir, whole bunch of them just surrendered...roger that, we'll hold position in town and watch our fire for any potential unknowns. Rhino 1-1 out.>>

The loader of the Leopard 2 turned to him and spoke.

"We're expecting more sir?"

"Yes and no, command says recon spotted an army with a completely different flag marching towards the border. HQ hasn't determined if they're hostile yet, so our top priority is to just secure the pre-war borders for Qua-Toyne and Quila before we make our next move."


Esthirant Port, Parpaldia Empire

February 11, 1640

The evening sun bathed the city in an orange hue as the day was about to end in the Parpaldian capital of Esthirant. At the grand port facilities that housed not only merchant ships but the various combat vessels belonging to the Imperial Parpaldia Navy, a single ship bearing the crest of the Imperial family was about to set sail with a full wyvern carrier group as escorts.

This ship was carrying none other than Madame Remille, the Director of the Foreign Affairs Audit Bureau, Kaios, the Director for the 3rd Foreign Affairs Office, as well as various support staff from their respective departments. 


The day prior, Parpaldian scouts encountered USEAN army units on the border with Qua-Toyne. After a relatively peaceful encounter, it was decided that the Parpaldian military will inherit the pre-war borders for Louria while USEA will take control of the pre-war territory of Qua-Toyne and Quila.

Summoning the Union of South East Asia (USEA)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin