Chapter 8

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Partway through our study session Libby walks in with one of her friends.

"Ok, you two would make a freakin' adorable couple," Libby says as she walks in.

"How so?" I ask.

"Considering how comfortable you two are around each other and to met yesterday, I think it's pretty likely that you two will date," Libby says as she puts her bag down.

"I'm going shopping with Amanda if anyone needs me," Libby says as she walks out the door with her friend.

"That is the fourth time I have been told that in the past 2 days," I say.

"Maybe they're right...." He says with a smirk.

The super adorable smirk and the way he looks at me makes me lose myself for a second. I can't help but blush, and all I can think is oh no. I've known him for 2 days and I'm already falling for him. This can't possibly turn out well.

"Anyway, back to Pyrotechnics," I say as I tap his textbook with my pencil.

"Oh yeah," he says before he finishes tutoring me.

"How about you come eat dinner with us in the cafeteria? And be social," he says.

"Sure, I don't really know anyone though," I say.

"You know me, and Dylan, Toby, Libby, Joey, plus you sorta know Austin and Kyle," he says as he stands up and grabs his textbook," C'mon let me put my textbook away and then we'll head down," he says as he gives me a hand up. It may just be me, but he seemed to let his hand linger in mine.

We head up a floor to Evan's dorm and find Dylan there so he walks with us to dinner. We head down the 3 flights of stairs to the main floor and walk down to the cafeteria. There's a lot of people, but the cafeteria is so huge there are plenty of empty spots. Austin and Kyle are off sitting by themselves on a table so we grab our food and sit with them.

We eat and talk about random stuff, and the tone is pretty light and carefree, until Kyle says exactly what I hate to love hearing.

"Are you sure you two aren't dating? You act like a couple, no joke," Kyle says.

"5 times!" I say.

"Well maybe there's a reason you have been told that 5 times in two days," Evan says.

"Like what?" I ask looking up into his deep green eyes. His glasses make his eyes look even bigger and greener.

"Well maybe, just maybe, they are right," he says with a smirk and twinkling eyes.

"I have only known you for two days!" I say.

"I know," he says with a sigh, "you'll see one day." I watch him half smile, but the twinkling has left his eyes.

I sigh, as much as I like him, I couldn't date a guy I've known for two days. I want us to be friends first, but, oh I don't know. Something about him makes me want to kiss him, and then other things of him drive me crazy.

"I'm sorry, just give me some time," I say.

He nods but then gets up and leaves. I go to follow him but Dylan puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't make it worse," he says.

"But, what did I do so wrong?" I ask as I sit back down.

"Nothing really, just give him time," Dylan says.

"But, why is this so hard?" I ask.

"Love is hard, especially for girls like you," Austin says.

"Girls like me?" I ask.

"Super smart, super cute girls that fall for the guys they have a chance with. Wouldn't it be easier to convince yourself you have no chance with someone than admitting the fact you do have a chance?" Austin asks.

"Yeah, I see your point," I say.

"Might I ask how you know that?" Kyle asks.

"I can't know how girls work?" Austin asks.

"Well how do you know so much about girls?" Kyle asks.

They keep talking, but I only half listen. All I can think about is Evan, how his fingers lingered on mine, they way his cologne smells, they way his light brown hair is always perfectly messy, they way his black rimmed glasses frame his face, they way his eyes light up when he's smiling, the way he questions everything, the way he makes me feel so important.

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