C H A P T E R 29

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Leonardo Rozet's POV

It's been a week since we got back from our get away. I've had a few nightmares here and there but Blake has been doing a great job in comforting me and helping me through it.

I'm so appreciative of her, she's been helping me alot. During times like this it would either brake or make a relationship and I'm glad this situation brought us even closer. I can trust her even more than before.

The way we communicate with each other is better than before. Blake always tells me to be truthful with the questions she asks me like for example, her asking me how I'm feeling or doing.

She's been doing an amazing job taking care of Grayson and I, on top of that she's been taking her classes.

I'm truly blessed to have a wonderful women like her in my life. Today is Saturday and I wanted to do something special for her. I called my sisters, sister in law, Charlotte and asked if they perhaps could take her out and do something fun with her. Just to give her time away from the house.

I haven't been at the office this whole week. I've been doing my  work from home. Daniel has been at the company making sure everything runs smoothly while in my absents.

I walked upstairs and went to Graysons room and got him ready for the day.

My boy has been growing so fast. His so adorable with his chubby cheeks and unruly curly hair and his gray eyes. For a child his size and age he has so many personalities .

He is so troublesome. We had to baby proof the whole house not that we didn't before. But now we have to be extra careful. Just leave him on the carpet for a few seconds and his gone already.

His messy and loud but it's fun being around him. Blake says his personality normally comes from me and I couldn't agree more, a mini version of me.

"Hey babba ready to hang out with papa the whole day?" I asked him after getting him dressed in a black tracksuit.

He screamed nodding his head a little, getting some of his drool on his cheek.

I chuckled grabbing a wipe to clean his face. After getting him all dressed I  walked to the master bedroom. Blake was curled up in the bed, her small body covered by the covers. She looked peaceful, I smirked a little. I sat Grayson down on the bed and he looked at me and smirked too. He crawled to his mother, held her cheeks together and gave her a wet kisses.

Blake mumbled a little in her sleep before fluttering her eyes open. She smiled when she saw the little human being in front of her.

She took him in her arms and smothered his face with kisses, making him giggle loudly. I chuckled as I watch the pare laugh together.

"Good morning my little man." she said, voice angelic and playful.

Grayson babbled replying to his mother, getting more drool on his face.

"Don't I get a good morning too? " I asked pouting a little.

"Well come over here you big baby" she said motioning me to come over.

I walked up to her and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. "What was that!?" I exclaimed

"What was what? " she asked innocently

"That kiss" I said simply

She smiled, sitting Grayson on the bed and running to the bathroom.

Soon I heard water running and I knew she was taking a shower.

I walked downstairs with Grayson and started making breakfast.

Blake came downstairs wearing a denim skirt with a body suit and white nikes. Her hair was put in a ponytail showing more of her gorgeous face. She smiled at me when she caught me checking her out.

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