C H A P T E R 17

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Blake Turner's POV

I woke up with a smile on my face. I got out of bed and took a shower, brushed my teeth and wore my undergarments. I blushed realising Leonardo bought them for me and I don't even know how he knew my size. I got dressed in a black dress that reached up to my knees. I left my hair in its natural curls and wore sandals. I went to Graysons room and found him asleep. I knew Leo is still sleeping so I decided to make him breakfast before he goes to work.

I made scrambled eggs with waffles, bacon and coffee. I set the table and not too long I heard foot steps coming down from the steps. Leo walked up to me with Grayson in his arms and gave me a kiss. He had on his work suit black form fitting work suit that sat well on his muscular body. I fixed his tie for him . He put Gray in his high chair and we sat and ate our breakfast. I laughed at Gray who is screaming very loud.

"Thanks love for the delicious breakfast" Leo thanked me.

" you are welcome." I said taking our plates and washing them. I grabbed Graysons bag and my purse. The restaurant had an extra uniform so I'll just change there. We went out the door to Leo's car. He puts Grayson in his car seat and we all went to my work place. Leo dropped me off and gave me a kiss and he kissed Graysons forhead before saying goodbye.

I went into the restaurant. I got dressed in my work uniform and began working cleaning tables. Grayson was still in his carrier. I finished cleaning the tables and the restaurant opened.

I served a lot of customers. Out of nowhere smoke started to appear. "THERE IS A FIRE, EVERYONE MOVE!" someone yelled out.

Everyone started to panic running out the restaurant. My main priority was to protect Grayson. I covered him with a blanket so he wouldn't breath in the smoke filled air. I started coughing heavily.

Leonardo Rozet's POV

I walked into my office with a smile on my face. "What got you smiling" Daniel asked me.

" Man life is great, I introduced Blake and Grayson to my family and they all loved her. We went to my house and I showered her the nursery room and her room, she loved both rooms. I got to kiss her and asked her on a date. We had went out on a picnic as a family. I had the best weekend ever. Blake can't go to her apartment because there is a leakage with one of the pipes so she's living with me until they got it fixed. Things seem to be coming along for me. "I said happily.

He smiled" Well I'm happy you finally got the guts to ask her out. "

We began working. We were in a meeting before one of my employees came rushing into the meeting room and running towards me panicking. I was so confused" Sir sir there's been a fire at Ms Turner's work place! " she rushed out

I immediately started to panic worrying if my family is safe. I got up from my seat and grabbed my keys and ran out the meeting room, out the building to my car. I sped, I could careless about the speed limit my family is in danger. I just hope they both are safe and made it out of  the building.

I arrived and I saw the fire fighters putting out the fire. I got out of my car and ran towards the crowd of people. I kept calling for Blake and I kept getting nothing. I panicked wondering if they still stuck in there. I called one last time and I heard her voice calling out to me. She was standing by the ambulance with Grayson in her arms. I ran to them and gave them a big hug kissing both there forheads. I heard her sniffle and I caressed her face "It's okey love I'm here now you don't have to worry" I kept reassuring her.

She nodded before resting her head on my chest.  We stayed in this position for a while before we went to my car. I drove us home.

I took  Grayson up to his room bathing him and changing him and putting him in his crib. I went downstairs to find Blake sitting on the couch. I went up to her and scooped her in my arms and she brought her arms around my neck and putting her head in the crook of my neck . That's when she let everything out. I ran my hands through her hair comforting her and telling her everything is going to be okey.

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