C H A P T E R 4

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Blake Turner POV

I decided to tell my parents that I'm expecting, since I will start showing and it would be pretty dumb of me to not say anything.

My parents and siblings where in the living room talking. I made my way to them, I looked down and spoke softly "Umm I have to tell you guys something."

"Well tell us we don't have time for you." my mom said harshly

I played with my fingers "I'm...Pregnant."I said quietly.

I felt a sting on my right cheek and I realised my mom just slapped me.

"I knew you were going to fall pregnant one of these days, I knew you slept around and you probably don't even know who is  the child's father. Such a disgrace not only were you a disgrace when you were born but even now, look at you not even in college yet and you already pregnant. I should have aborted you when I had the chance. I should have, already disowned you, I never wanted you! "she said with so much hatred and venom. Her words hurt  like bullets. I felt tears rolling down my face. That was pretty harsh, it would have been better of they just ignored me then tell me they never wanted me. I don't know what hurt the most my mother telling me she never wanted me or Leonardo's insults.

I mean all I ever seem to do is get people to hate me.  Am I such and ugly person to get them to hate me so much? All I ever wanted to do was to make my parents proud and hoping they would show me the love I've been craving for all my life. All I ever wanted was for my siblings to be their for me when ever I needed them, where Ryan would protect me from high school bullys or help me get settled in my new school or when I could ask Hayley for advice when ever I'm stuck. I just wanted to feel accepted and wanted. Is that so much to ask? Sadly I will never get it because all I ever seem to do is make people hate me and giving me disgusted looks. I'm so tired of everything, constantly being insulted, used and humiliated. I feel like I don't belong anywhere, sometimes I wish I was never born.

I looked up and saw my sister laughing at me and my brother giving me a disappointed look. My dad looked so upset I thought he was going to beat me up. His eyes were filled with rage. I looked away fearing he might do something bad to me.

" Listen to me clearly I want you to pack your things and live my house this instint! " my dad yelled out angrily.

I ran upstairs with tears rolling down my face and I went to my room and I quickly packed all my clothes in a bag and everything else I needed. I put on warm clothes since it was windy. After grabbing all my things I went downstairs.

I looked down ashamed of myself "I guess this is goodbye" I said softly and my siblings laughed at me and my parents didn't even bother looking at me. I went out the door and began walking somewhere far away from here .

I decided to speak to my unborn child just to keep me sane. "It's just me and you now little one, even though I'm home less and I don't have anyone, I'll do my best to get us shelter or somewhere to live so when you come into this world everything will be ready for you. I promise, you will be loved unconditionally and I will work hard to make sure you get everything you want. I'll try to be the best parent I can be for you. "I said while rubbing my belly.

I've been walking for hours now. I saw this big tree and I decided to rest there since you couldn't really see it and it looked safe. I went and set down on the grass. I brought my knees towards my chest and put my arms around them so I wouldn't, get cold through out the night. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

A few weeks later

I've been homless for a few weeks now, some days are tougher than others, during the day I would walk for far distance and  find homeless  shelters that gives food. I wanted to be far away from my family and Leonardo he made it clear I'm never to be seen in his presence so I hope where ever I am, it is far from them so I can have a new beginning and a peaceful life without anyone humiliating or anyone constantly showing hatred towards me.

I was walking down the street and I was met with an old lady. "Hi dear would you be a sweetheart and help me carry these things home." she asked politely.

I smiled at her and I agreed. We walked together to her house. She kept telling me stories about her olden days and I enjoyed her company. We arrived at her house I put her things down and she thanked me. I started walking towards the door so I could go to a shelter and get some food.

"Why don't you join me for dinner love you've helped me so much." she asked

"it's okey miss I wouldn't want to bother you, I best be heading my way to the shelter and get some food there." I said politely.

"Oh no dear I insist and you could stay with me until you can get back on your fit and I know you are expecting and it would be dangerous for you to be alone at night." she said I reluctantly agreed.
We made dinner together and I was finely able to take a warm shower. I dried my self and wore an oversized shirt with a shorts.

I said goodnight to miss Ofila and I went to the room she gave me.

I rubbed my belly and told my baby goodnight and I went to sleep.


The next morning I decided to make miss Ofila breakfast. I made pancakes for her and some warm green tea.

Miss Ofila said that they were hiring people at a small restaurant not far from the house. I did the dishes and and cleaned the house. I bathed got dressed in decent clothes and made my way to the small restaurant.

I met the owner of the restaurant and she hired me. I'll be starting work the next day.

The next day I woke up early cleaned the house for miss Ofila and made her breakfast before  leaving for work.

I got to work and got dressed in my work uniform which was a black oversized pants with a long shirt with sneakers.

I immediately got to work serving customers. At the end of the day I was exhausted , I got home and I made dinner for both Ms Ofila and I.

I bathed and dressed into a over sized T shirt and went to bed.

So what do you guys think of the book so far. I wanna know your thoughts on the characters and the book itself. I appreciate all the votes I'm getting. I can't help but sound like a cliché author.

So writing a book takes a shit load of guts to do. Yo the stress though,but it's worth it though.

Thanks again for reading 🦋

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