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I saw from the back of my head the sheriff handcuffing Stiles. But the Void managed to snap out of them in a few seconds, going to attack we had to step in to distract him. The two Argents, Derek and I went into the loft ready to fight whatever had a hold on Stiles. 

Allison tried to tase him, but the Void's amazing reflexes didn't even make him flinch. The werewolf dove into him, claws and fangs at the ready, but with one push, Void threw him into one wooden pillar. Knocking him out. 

This was the time to test out my new found abilities. I stepped into the shadows and reappeared from Stiles's own shadow, gripping him by the neck, forcing him up. He started to choke in surprise but it quickly turned into a devilish smirk. 

"I didn't know you were into choking (y/n)," Void laughed, gripping my hand, making me squirm a little, "put me down so I can watch you whimper with my hand around your throat."

I slammed him on the table and climbed on top of him.

"Give me back my Stiles," I hissed, my eyes turning red. 

He chuckled, "there is no your Stiles anymore, it's our Stiles."

His hand went to my neck and he flipped me over. 

"You look so gorgeous like this, I understand why Stiles was so adamant on protecting you-"

We heard a click. Void turned around and saw Argent with a gun pointing right at his head. 

"Get off her," he ordered. 

Void slowly loosened his grip and I gasped for air. He got off the table and looked at his dad.

"Dad he's going to kill me," he said in a low voice, tears welling. 

But the sun set faster and the oni appeared. 

"This is exactly what he wanted," said Allison.

"Not exactly, but now you're going to protect me," Void smirked. 

The battle began and Derek and I teamed up. I was going to land my punch when my knuckle hit the air filled with dark smoke. 

"They disappeared," I muttered looking around. 

"And Stiles too," remarqued the Sheriff.

I went home that night and tried to get some sleep. But I felt observed, like someone was standing in the corner of my room and watching me twist and turn. I felt its eyes getting closer like it was now at the foot of my bed. 

I opened my eyes jerking up and Stiles was sitting on my bed. He brought his finger to his lips, silencing me. 

"Do you know how much Stiles talks about you?" he moved closer, "about how he wishes he could be normal again so he could kiss you." He used his fingers and slid them around my body, making me shiver. 

"and possibly more."

I pushed him off me, a look of disgust on my face, "you don't get to touch me."

He smirked, and pinned me down, "maybe not, but remember, I'm Stiles now."

His hand travelled down and I tried to break free. He lifted up my shirt and his hands wondered around my stomach, his touch as light as a feather. 

"Remember when I patched you up? When you came in the middle of the night and slept in my bed?"

I stayed silent. Of course I remember. 

"Stiles, come back please," I yearned, my eyes watering. Void looked down at me and his face softened for a moment. I knew it was a trick but seeing him like that it made me think of Stiles. And just for a moment I needed Stiles. 

He leaned forward and pressed his chapped and dry lips to mine. This felt wrong but I couldn't help myself. I knew it wasn't Stiles but I needed him. It felt too long. 


"C'mon we both know you need it. Beg for it." I felt Void's smirk against me. I pushed him off me. It was wrong. Wrong to be hoping it was Stiles when it wasn't.

"Leave," I ordered my voice trembling. 

He gave a half smile, "I know why he liked you. Loyal to the end."

He moved back into the shadowy corner in my bedroom and disappeared.

I rushed into Scott's living room, finding Stiles with a black tape across this mouth. He was sweating, pale as ever with purple rings under his eyes. When he spotted me his gaze softened a bit. 

"So what's the plan?" I asked, not breaking my stare with Stiles. 

"We're going to go into his mind," Scott answered, he studied Stiles evil and dark eyes. 

I sat down next to Stiles. I moved my hair away so that Scott had a clear view of my neck. I saw that Stiles hand was right next to mine. I hesitated but held it. He looked surprised at first, but squeezed it gently. 

His eyes seemed to speak loudly.

My mind is a dark place. You don't want to be there.

But it was too late, as I felt Scott's claw digging in. 

When I opened my eyes I saw I was strapped to a bed. Like the way people do at the mental asylum. 

Scott was right beside me and tried to free himself. 

"Not exactly how I like to be tied up,' I smirked while watching Scott trying to break free like an idiot. 

"Scotty, you're a supernatural being, with supernatural strength come on do better than this."

He looked at me, the corner of his mouth perking, "you're one too!"

"I'm going to wait for you to untie me."

"Thank you," I said, rubbing my wrists. 

"Alright, stay close," he advised, opening the door. I was about to step out when the door slammed shut leaving me alone. I turned back and saw that the room had changed and brought me back to a forest. 

I started having flashbacks. Me being hunted down by my siblings. I started running as I heard a twig snap behind me.

"Come on (y/n) I'll make it quick and painless for you," my brother Nero said inside of my head. 

"Get away from me!" I barked back. He appeared out of nowhere and grabbed me, holding me still, a dagger in the air. 

"Esther is going to love this," he hissed. He dragged me back to the village and threw me into Esther's hut. 

But when I opened my eyes I was in a white room. Scott was running up to me and helped me up. I looked around and pointed to it. He followed my gaze and saw Stiles. Sitting on the cut nemeton, playing go with the nogitsune. We tried running to him but it only brought us back to the same spot. 

"Scott," he turned to me, "you need to howl. Snap him out of the trance."

Scott called out for the member of his pack and Stiles glared at us. He observed us and seemed to be alert. He shoved the game of go on the floor, earning a roar from the nogitsune. 

I woke up, gasping for air. I wiped my nose and saw that I had a nosebleed. I snapped my head to where Stiles was sitting but he wasn't there anymore. And I saw that I wasn't at Scott's house either. 

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