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I was curious to see what was hidden in Beacon Hill's first national bank. Especially its vault. What could be hidden there that is so important that they had to revive buried memories using a brutally cold technique. 

I guess I'm going to find out right now. It's night time outside and the full moon is glowing outside. I love when it's the full moon, it really ruffles my feathers, gives me power and makes me more confident. I am about to go pick the lock when I see that the door is already opened.

Someone's home. 

I grinned thankful not to get my hand dirty, pushing the door open. It made no noise. I gratefully thanked my guides and made my way towards the abandoned bank. A few bank notes were laying on the floor. I saw how dusty it was but I noticed in the dust, a pair of footprints that went from the door to... a storage closet?

Something was out of place. I sniffed the air and smelled ammonia. I looked down and saw freshly poured ammonia. How strange, someone was definitely hiding behind that door.

I reached for the doorknob, feeling that despite the coldness of the steel it was warm and moist, as if someone hurriedly opened and locked themselves in. I cautiously turned it when I heard a noise. I loud series of clang coming from... the vault. I abandoned the idea of knowing who was behind the door and went towards the vault. It was closed. How great. I heard some grunts and roars from inside. What the fuck was going on in there? 

I closed my eyes and opened them again, adrenaline and power flowing through me. I set my eyes on the vault and imagined it opening. Suddenly I heard the vault creak, as if someone took its hinges off and heard a big thud. 

I opened my eyes again and my jaw dropped as I saw Scott and Derek out of breath, bloodied fighting off... WEREWOLVES?

"No no no no, not again," I staggered back and bumped into-

"Allison?" I whispered. 

"(y/n) get out of here!" She yelled at me and shoved me. 

It was as if time stood still and all of them were looking at me. I then spotted the vault's door. the whole of it came out undone. 

"Yeah about that..." I began, but was interrupted by a roar. The male werewolf made its way towards Derek,

"Boyde! It's me Derek!" his attention then spun to the she wolf. He froze and softly said, 

"Cora?" The wolf roared and tried to claw Derek. 

"Allison! (y/n) get out of here!" Yelled Scott trying to defend himself from Boyde. 

In the heat of the moment Allison bent down and blew the black power in front of her. 

"Mountain ash," I muttered, recognizing its smell.

The wolves then lunged themselves at Allison that barely had the time to get out of the way. I then watched as all of them started arguing about the wolves and how letting them wander in the wild especially when they were deprived of the moonlight for so long would cause so much casualties. I slipped back into the shadows. I noticed how Derek slipped away for a moment and came back with a dead body. A blonde girl's dead body. 

"Erica's dead." He said as his voice hung low. 

Everyone fell silent, and I bowed my head, hoping she got a safe passage to the other side. 

Suddenly Derek dropped her body and before I could react, his hand was at my throat, chocking the life out of me. His eyes glowed red and he showed his fangs. An alpha. 

"Who are you and what do you want?"

I slapped his arm, trying to let him know that  I was unable to breathe. 

"She can't breathe Derek put her down!" barked Scott. At that he let me down and I gasped for air, my lungs stinging a little. 

"Careful Derek, don't get on my nerves," I warned with a cocky grin. 

He then pushed me to the wall and I winced.

"I won't repeat myself."

"It's not because my eyes glow red that I'm an alpha," I said and looked at his reaction. His hold on me softened. 

"God I should've chosen Mystic Falls instead." 

Out of annoyance and anger he roared at me flashing his red eyes hoping I would be intimidated but instead it got me on my nerves. 

So I pushed him back, and my little move sent him flying. His werewolves reflexes made him fall on his knees, scratching the ground. 

"I've dealt with your kind. Werewolves and trust me, I've had my fair share of it."

He charged at me but I stared at it not budging. Suddenly it stopped in its trajectory, curling in pain. 

"Whoa wait- (y/n) what did you do to him?" asked Scott as he rushed towards Derek's side. Making sure that he was in enough pain so he wouldn't attack me. He changed back into his human form and panted. 

"I know what you are," he panted in between breaths.

"Oh yeah and what is that?" I taunted him.

"You're a witch," a voice behind me spoke. I turned around and saw Allison paralyzed eyes fixed on mine. 

"Ding Ding! You just became a millionaire miss Argent!" I said sarcastically. 

"Is that bad?" Asked Scott, looking back and forth between me while helping Derek up. 

"Not unless she's a Black," answered Derek, looking at me. He then saw how I grinned.

"Wha- Wait what's a Black?"

I took a step towards them and stood in front of Derek. I just noticed how his normal eyes were a beautiful shade even more when in the moonlight. He had prominent cheekbones and his beard made him look like he aged like fine wine. 

"A Black is a witch whose blood is black, and a Red is a witch whose blood is red," I answered simply, turning my attention at Scott.

"What's the difference then?"

Derek eyes fell on mine and I could feel his piercing gaze staring at my soul,

"The Reds are humans who can become witches by practicing witchcraft. But Blacks are far more ancient and far more powerful than any of them."

"And how is that bad?" Scott asked again,

"Well see, think of it as Blacks being the original witches. Reds are just off brands versions of us." I smiled again, biting my lip. 

"Are you a Black or a Red?" Allison's voice from behind spoke.

In a swift motion, Derek held my face still and triggered his claws to come out. I chuckled and watched what was going to happen next. He dragged his claw on my cheek and cut the skin, black blood flowing out. I watched as their eyes grew in fascination and horror. 

"I thought the vault stunt was pretty clear no?"

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