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I followed Stiles and Scott back to the loft to warn Derek that the druid turned out to be Blake. When he saw me, he sighed in relief. I told him everything, including the fact that she took Stiles's father. Out of nowhere, he reached and touched my sliced cheek,

"Did she do that to you?" he questioned.

"It doesn't matter! Listen she's coming, we're gonna hide but you have to believe us-"

Scott then pulled me back and we crouched in the shadows. As expected Mrs. Blake barged in and was all hysteric begging Derek to believe her, and then she jumped and kissed him. Envy heated my face as I wanted to rip her throat out,

"You're a terrible liar Mrs. Blake," I pointed out coming from the shadows. Derek scratched his neck knowing that I saw the embrace. But he still looked incredulous. Scott then took out a vial of mistletoe, throwing it at her, making her jerk in all directions, revealing her mutilated face. But then, she had the bright idea of threatening us with Cora and Stiles's dad. 

"I can heal and find them both, we don't need you," I spat out, taking a few steps back, holding Stiles's hand. I felt him squeeze it as a sign of appreciation. 

"I know you can (y/n), but I made sure that witches wouldn't interfere, Black or Red." she then paused with an evil smile, "You need me, all of you." 

Derek grabbed Blake with his hand and guarded her like she was a criminal. I followed behind with Scott and Stiles who was holding a baseball bat. 

"You know we're dealing with supernatural beings and that bat won't help right?" I grinned at him. He looked down at his bat and back at me,

"Gee thanks for the vote of confidence." He paused, "will you be there for me then?"

"As long as I am here, no one will lay a finger on you." 

We looked for Cora, but she was nowhere to be found, suddenly we heard noises coming from another room, and as if on cue, Peter slid out to reveal the twins, Ethan and Aidan. 

"We've got a big problem," he admitted. I spotted Cora's still body on the floor and ran for it. Pushing with my sheer will the twins in my way, who yelped in surprise. I left the wolves to do the dirty work and motioned for Stiles to help me pick her up. But I realized my mistake too late. I snapped my head and saw that Blake was getting away on the elevator,

You half ass lying bitch, I told her mentally, and she smirked. 

We picked up Cora and ran away as fast as we could from the twins, finding ourselves in an operating room. I flipped her body on the table and began examining her, paying attention to the conversation behind. Stiles and Derek were having at it,

"Your mass murdering evil girlfriend has my dad okay?" My ears perked up at the word. And suddenly I knew. I knew why his wounds healed so fast. Because of adrenaline and pleasure. I let go of Cora and went up to Derek pushing him into a wall. I slapped him across the face. He clenched his jaw, and looked at me. 

"I don't ever want to talk to you again."

"Don't pretend you don't have something for Stiles either," he pointed out, only to me. He was right. Or at least I didn't want to admit. 

I went back to attend to Cora, relieving her a bit of her pain, making her breathe again, allowing her to gently wake up. 

"Hey Cora, I need you to stay awake for me okay?" I said gently cupping her face, "I need you to try keeping your eyes open."

The door flew open to reveal the figure of my teacher, "you can't save her (y/n) I thought I already told you that."

Stiles, Derek, Mrs. Blake, Cora's unconscious body and I were moving towards the garage to reach the ambulance as instructed by Scott and his mother. We managed to put Cora down, making sure she was comfortable. Stiles and I climbed in but Kali had the bright idea of chasing down Derek and Mrs. Blake, leaving us trapped in the car. 

"Stiles are you alright?" I asked reaching over for his hand. He avoided my eyes and nodded quickly, as if avoiding my question. 

"What's wrong, why are you-"

"She's not breathing,' he said softly. He placed his face near Cora's face and repeated, "she's not breathing (y/n) no no no no what do we-"

"Stiles, move away I'll take care of it-" I proposed but he was already tilting her head back and blowing air into her mouth. Repeatedly. I watched as Stiles steadily blew air into her throat. She then gasped, letting him know his maneuver worked. He breathed in relief and added,

"Next time I kiss your lips, I hope that you'll be awake."

I looked at him. Did I hear that right? But again he avoided my gaze. 

"Stiles what is up with you?" I yelled.

Finally his honey colored eyes met mine. God he looked exhausted, pale and famished. 

"What is up? You're the one asking me that?" he barked back, "what is going on between us? One moment you're in my arms the next you're in Derek's."

I stayed silent. He was right. I was toying with both of them, but had a soft spot for both. 

"And I can't keep waiting for you, hoping you'll choose me, I mean we're two different people. Derek understands you more than I ever will. But you don't have the right to mess up my mind like that-"

"Stiles please-" I said voice breaking. 

"I'm so tired (y/n). Scott and my dad are all that I have left. And now my dad's captured. Cora was right," he glanced at her, "maybe we're only good at finding the bodies." 

A tear rolled down his face and I heard my heart swell, "I don't want to find my dad's body."

I went across and sat next to him. I cupped his cheek, making him look at me, 

"Hey, listen to me, you're scared and I understand. But you have to stay strong. There are bigger battles ahead and we need you. We need the clumsy and selfless Stiles Stilinski that always comes up with a plan B," his eyes softened and another tear escaped. I wiped it away with my thumb,

"You have to stay strong Stiles they need you," I motioned at outside the ambulance. He chuckled.

"You know you said that to everyone, but truth is we need you too (y/n). Not just because you're a Black and you have these amazing and powerful abilities, but because you're the glue holding us together. We need you too," he murmured, "I need you."

Our face were only inches apart, and I always wandered if his lips were as soft as they seemed. I leaned in just a little to see how he would react. He didn't pull away. Instead he too leaned in and pressed his lips on mine. I sighed into the kiss. This felt amazing. As our lips moved together to the rhythm of our heartbeats, I forgot the world around but the world didn't forget us. 

Scott was holding Peter and ordered us to open the door, snapping us out of reality. 

"Hope I don't interrupt," Peter hissed in pain, as we lifted him in the ambulance. 

A few moments later, a black car rolled up besides us and honked at us. I got out and saw Isaac at the wheel. I exhaled and motioned for the others to get into the car. Stiles and I were getting Peter when he suddenly looked at me and asked,

"Can you take care of the Hales?" 

"It's the only thing I seem to be doing," I answered sarcastically, "wait Stiles what are you doing?"

"I just realized something I have to find Scott," he said, slowly getting away.

"No don't do that it's not safe," but he was already running, "STILES! Please don't leave me."

But he was gone. I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to him. 

I sat in the car, staring at the door. Suddenly the twins came to view and Isaac started to rev the car, 

"NO! We're not leaving without him!"

"Isaac drive goddamit!" instructed Peter and Isaac followed, driving us away from the hospital. Away from the Argents, the Hales, the Mccalls and Stiles. 

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