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I ran with Lydia, Stiles and Deaton towards Mr. Harris's chemistry class. Of course as expected the class was empty.

"He could've just left, taken the day off," said the vet with optimism. Stiles held up the teacher's  computer bag, 

"Not without this no,"

I looked at the table. Tests were being graded. I ran my finger on the page and saw the ink was still fresh, like a few seconds fresh. But something was out of order and Lydia seemed to notice it too,

"Why are these tests graded R?"

Dr. Deaton rushed towards us and began seeing how the test spelled out a word. He rearranged the test to spell out,

"Darach," I muttered. Eyes cast down. 

"Wait you know? What does this mean?" Stiles asked, hand on my shoulder, 

"It means 'dark druid' in Gaelic-" intervened Dr. Deaton,

"A druid who was gone down a dark path," I finished. 

"Wo-Wha, ok that's great but what are we supposed to do know? I can't just call my dad can I?"

I stayed silent to think, if we were dealing with magical forces, this was my field of work but I was unsure about what to do. Druids were a far more ancient and complicated branch of magic. 

"(y/n)? What do you say?" asked Lydia, snapping me out of my trance, I looked at them like I had just woken up,

"I'm sorry I didn't catch that," I apologized, 

"Do you have any ideas of what to do next?" asked Stiles next to me as thunder lapped above us. This was bad. It smelled bad. 

"Yes. You have to go check every oak tree in Beacon Hills. If this pattern keeps repeating then Mr. Harris should be held hostage there," Stiles nodded at me and began taking off, I grabbed his hand holding him back, pulling him a bit too hard,

"You have to be careful, druids are far more ancient than me and besides, these woods stretch for kilometers, you'll never get to that oak tree in time," I warned, realizing how close I pulled Stiles towards me. I could feel his hot breath on my face and the pulse on his wrist was jumping.

"She's right, we need to narrow down the oak trees and have to be careful of the weather out there,' Dr. Deaton pointed at the rain outside. 

"We need something that belongs to Harris and bring it to someone who can smell it out,"

Stiles nodded in agreement and grabbed the computer bag, "hopefully Scott can smell him with this,"

I smiled looked at the weather outside. It was my favorite weather. I loved how chaotic and disastrously storms were. Maybe because it reminded me of myself. 

I pulled the phone from my bag and wrote a text to Derek, 

How are you managing without me? 

Just fine, where are you? 

I'm at the school with Stiles, Lydia and Dr. Deaton why?

Wanted to make sure you were safe in the storm, don't let Stiles drag you into trouble.

                                                                                                                                      I can take care of myself thanks

Do you need a ride home? 

No thanks 'cause they need my knowledge with something so I'll tag with them

They need your help. And you're going to help them

If anything happens they'll die without me lol

If you need backup let me know okay?

I won't but I'll keep it in mind haha

I shoved my phone back into my bag with a grin and saw Stiles looking up at me,

"Who was that?" he  asked, searching my eyes,

"Derek why?" he looked at me cautiously but extended his hand,

"Come on we have to go," I looked at his palm and grabbed it. He dragged me along and ran down the hall like a kid. I giggled and followed him. 

"Let's go before the rain gets worse," We stopped at the threshold separating us from the dry and the wet, 

"If we run for it we can make it, but we'll be a little wet," he smirked, and I playfully rolled my eyes,

"Do you want to see a magic trick?" I grinned at him, mischief in my eyes,

"You know I'll find a way to debunk your trick, there is always a reasonable explanation to things-"

I let go of his hand and went into the rain. Within instants, my whole body was drenched but I didn't care. The rain was chilly and the wind blew on my face. I laughed silently enjoying the moment. But then I remembered Stiles was right there and we had a mission. I then focused my energy, channeling the storm and the chaotic energy in the air. Suddenly I felt no single drop of water falling on me. I looked and saw that I was completely dry but the rain was still pouring around me. I had created what I called a dry circle. I walked towards Stiles and invited him. 

"I'm sorry the circle is a bit small but it's just a little walk to your car so I figured-"

"How did you do that?" he asked his eyes wide.

"Bet you can't debunk this trick can you?" I smirked at him and pulled him closer to me, our bodies pressed together. He held me by my shoulder for a better balance and walked with me, admiring the storm around him but being unaffected by it. 

As we arrived at his Jeep we saw that Dr. Deaton and Lydia were absolutely drenched, my friend's makeup running down her face. 

"Aw you guys didn't bring an umbrella?" retorted Stiles, laughing. 

I shot him a look that made him swallow his words back. He unwrapped his arms and climbed into the seat. I felt like something had been taken from me. 

I climbed in the backseat with Dr. Deaton, completely dry, while they were dripping wet. 

"Do you want me to...?" I suggested nicely.

"Oh yes please!" exclaimed Dr. Deaton while shivering, "Lydia?" She held her hand from the front. I grabbed both of their wrists and focused on a warm and comforting energy. And when I felt that warmth disappeared I opened my eyes to see that they were both dry. I smiled proudly to myself. 

"See how amazing she is!" said Stiles, our eyes meeting in the mirror, "She's the coolest avenger in the team." 

I shook my head at his remark,

"I've never met a witch as powerful as you (y/n)," noted Dr. Deaton with a hint of suspicion in his voice, 

"That's because I'm no ordinary witch, Dr. Deaton," I smiled politely at him. 

He silently agreed but didn't add anything else.

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